More and more Answers Coming. Off to a Feild Trip!

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AN: What do ya do when you're sick with the flu?! Update the next chappie of course!! Hey kittens so here's the next chapter to Lost Memories!!! And like promised it is longer then the last one!! Yay aren't you proud of me lol?! Haha kidding!! Oh and the drawing up there is just something I drew for fun! I like Cathy's design and also she's got little scars from the duel with the Shadow Drone!! But I just wanted to draw her in kinda a different style!

Anyways back about this chapter!! It was a bear to write cause I have to rewatch the episodes, not that I mind I love this series, but have to figure out a way to incorporate Cathy in and all the new stuff rewriting it!! So I hope you kittens like it, remember to vote , comment , ect!! I don't own Yugioh 5Ds, just the OC and Lost Memories!


Last time on Yugioh 5Ds Lost Memories! After Yusei and I dueled those Shadow drones , Yusei wanted to get more answers. Especially from the one person we know has most of the answers! But in doing so we had to say see ya later to the twins, Blossom, Tanner, and Yanagi. I didn't wanna leave those pure beans! But I also wanted to help my good friend out, so we had to. We even got an escort in the form of that officer dude who really hates us!! Smart choice. Let's just hope that these answers are worth it.

"I'm bored!!" I yelled complaining as I sat on a couch in a small room under a television. I wasn't paying really any attention to it cause it was apparently about a movie about Jack and how he is the king of turbo duels, but yeah they really should've not aired it since Yusei won the tournament.

Speaking of my spiky haired penguin friend, I looked to see him still kind of pacing back and forth around the room. I chuckled and rested my feet on the table in front of me, "if I knew we were gonna be put on the waiting list I would've brought some fun games for us to do." I joked around.

He looked back at the door we came in from and looked at it like he was definitely anticipating it to open up. "Hopefully we won't have to wait longer."

"Gosh I hope not!"

Looking back at Yusei, I was thinking, maybe I should ask him more questions... Yet what else could I ask him that would not cause any bad memories for him? Or maybe him telling me more would be like therapy for him? He isn't exactly the most open about his feelings. I think that's a guy thing...

"Um Yusei..." He looked at me and immediately looking at his blue eyes made me freeze up. Shoot! Why am I getting nervous?! Maybe cause this might be the touchiest question... But I'm also curious. "How did you, and I guess everyone else, take to my... Well absence?"

I remember that when I looked into Jack's eyes, that small kid Rally said that I was a cause to his and Yusei's falling out. What did my disappearance do to them?

Hearing Yusei sigh broke me out of my thoughts then he spoke, "it was something I knew we had to move on and keep going afterwards, but it was difficult. We had just lost our friend Kalin and then we lost you."

Kalin? Okay that's a new name. I think... He must be that friend of ours in the team. "Were you... Scared?" I asked tilting my head and all he did was nod a little. "Of what?"

"If you were okay or not."

Okay now my face is heating up!! Great! Come on Cathy focus!! He kept speaking and I just stayed silent and listened, "I mentioned before that you took the hardest to the incident of what happened to our friend, Kalin. You were having nightmares, I remember. You didn't want to tell us what they were about, but you were getting worse."

Guess I kept secrets from him... I didn't want to look at him anymore and looked down cause even if I don't remember what nightmares I was having, I feeling guilty. I could still feel him looking at me... "I know me disappearing kinda split you and Jack... How?"

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