Welcome to the Spirit World! Wait part 1?!

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AN: here's the next chapter! You know the drill, I do not own Yugioh 5ds. Only the OCs! And this will have 2 parts and I'll try to post the second part as soon as I can. I would also like to say, thank you all so much for giving your support to this story! I really appreciate it! So I hope you all enjoy!


Last time on Yugioh 5Ds Lost Memories! The fortune cup is still going and Yusei defeated his opponent. But right after I passed out, again! When I wake up it's Akiza's match that's next, but now everyone knows she's the Black Rose! That is not a good! And after winning, of course, I find out that Yusei knows that I have amnesia! Well isn't that perfect!!! It's not like I already I have enough trouble talking to him already! But wait there's more. There's now a loser bracket that was set up by Director Goodwin. They must've figured out Luna was Leo in our duel. Now she was "chosen" to duel and I have a feeling this isn't gonna be a good either.

All the winners were sent to the Competitors Lounge after the MC announced Luna's opponent. It was The Professor. I don't know why but I was feeling uneasy about this match. I mean I do want Luna to win and get back in the tournament, even if Leo was gonna be her, but I just couldn't help but hope she lost. Great now I sound mean!

"Hopefully Luna can win this match." I looked at Sakura who was bringing some tea. She handed Yusei, who was sitting next to me, and I a cup. I looked back at the screen and saw the duel beginning.

"I will let you go first, dear Luna." The Professor said. I wish I was staring at him in person instead of a screen! Then maybe I could get a read on this guy!

"Okay. I'll draw. I summon Sunny Pixie, in defense mode." Luna said while a cute little fairy came out. "Your turn Professor."

"Yes thank you. I draw. And now I'll summon an interesting monster called Symmetry Rorschach." A weird purple misty moth came out. Yet for some reason I couldn't look away from it. Like it was calling to me. "Now little Luna. Look at my monster and tell me what you see. Look into your fears, dream, or lost memories? Tell me what you see."

I was slowly falling into a daze. His words were starting to fade away. It was like all of reality was disappearing, and all that stood was me and the monster in front of me. Suddenly the blob was transforming. It was taking form of a person right before my eyes. Then what stood in front of me was... Me?! No. A younger me! She looked a lot like me but her outfit was the same outfit I had on in Garden of Moonlight. Yet her hair, while she still had pigtails with flowers, it was shorter. She suddenly pointed to her left. I looked to where she was pointing but before I could see it, I was pulled back into reality by yelling.

"CAT SIMMONS!!!!!" The yelling also came with deafness and shaking!

"Huh?" I looked and saw Yusei and Sakura in front of me. Sakura was definitely the one shaking me.

"Are you okay? You were suddenly out." Yusei said while going back next to me.

"Uh... Yeah! Sorry! Hehe just daydreaming. What happened?" I looked back at the match and saw The Professor activating the trap card Light to the Depths, and Luna had a cute little puffball called Kuribon on her field.

"Well The Professor activated Light to the Depths. What it does is Luna has to send the top 5 cards from her deck to her graveyard. Then when she gets to the 6th she has to play it." Yusei said.

"Hey Yusei. What do you think he wants with Luna?"

"I don't know. But what ever it is it can't be good." I looked back at the match when The Professor started counting the cards Luna drew. But that was until I saw Luna's eyes! They were so dull and hollow!

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