An old Crazy new Friend! This is What a Dark Signer is Capable of!

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AN: Yay here it is my kittens!!! The next chappie!! And this chapter, not gonna lie, took this whole month to write! Why? Cause not only is it one of the longest, over 6000 words, but I tried jamming in about 3 episodes into this one lengthy beautiful chapter!

So this was fun yet tiring to write and also since it also introduces the ladies' favorite Dark Signer~ I still had to edit a lot and try to not put the whole duel in there while keeping to the original and adding oi vei. Also the drawing will be important to the chappie!

But most importantly, I would like to personally thank a very special reader!! GrapeJuice1011!!! Told ya I would tag ya~!! Thank you so much for telling me your suggestions and ideas!! While I cant promise all of them will be written, I can promise I truly love listening to them and take them into consideration!! Thank you again so so much!

Hehe now time for the ordinary shpeel! You all know it by now!! I dont own Yugioh 5Ds, just the OCs and original cards also this story!! Italicized words are card names!! Please enjoy, comment, and vote!! Till next time then!


Last time in Yugioh 5Ds Lost Memories!! Yusei and I made it to Satellite, sticking the landing of course though nearly DYING!! But I digress. When we touched down that's where I met a face I should know, but I don't. Crow Hogan, or as I like to call him, Carrot Top! It was weird at first yet he made it clear that with memories or without I'm still me, just like how Yusei sees it! We then went to his hideout and where I met some more old friends, but it was harder telling... But after a run in with the law, we're all safe in Crow's Hideout! At least I hope so. Those Dark Signers are out there.

Sakura Hamada looked out of the window inside the hideout that belonged to Tanner and Yusei's friend Blister. Something just couldn't sit right with her as she looked up at the sky and smog of the city and the light illuminating the night clouds. Even in the rougher part of New Domino City, she could only imagine how much worst it must be in Satellite.

Where Yusei and Cathy are.

She sipped her ice tea, only making it since boiling water would disturb and wake the others, her mind couldn't help wandered to the images of the Crimson Dragon she saw at the Fortune Cup.

It was so ethereal and magnificent. Something that the stories her family would describe seemed to have gotten right. A small soft smile graced her lips holding her cup tighter and leaning her now down purple haired head against the windowsill.

"You would've loved seeing it Haru..." She whispered closing her eyes.

"Can't sleep?" Gasping in surprise, the young woman looked to see Bolt Tanner had gotten up the couch he was sleeping on and walking up to her quietly. For a tall muscular man, he sure had silent footsteps.

Smiling now with a solemn look, she shook her head bringing her eyes too watch the ice swirl in her cup. "No... I'm sorry. Did I wake you?" Sakura asked in a whisper.

Though Tanner replied with a shake of his head as well and began to inquire. "Who's Haru? If you don't mind me asking."

He could tell just by how she said the name and the gleam in her eyes that seemed to be wetting with tears, it was a touchy subject. If it made her uncomfortable to talk about he would just drop it.

A sigh left the females lips before her eyes glanced at Tanner then looking back out the window. "He was my little brother..." She mumbled subconsciously tracing the bottom rim of her cup. "He enjoyed listening to my parents' stories. Especially the story of the Crimson Dragon."

"Him and I would duel almost everyday after the chores were completed. My parents at the time were too busy caring for my littlest brother who was an infant. So they didn't mind." Tanner watched her lips curve into a soft smile till it slowly disappeared. "Then that day happened... He got severely sick one day. We took him to the hospital and...." Tears began to pool in her red eyes while a small hiccup escaped. She covered her mouth with her hand.

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