Going to the Arcadia Movement! What's Going on Back in the City?

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AN: Heyo Kittens I am back and with the newest chappie that I procrastinated way too long to write... yeah I'll own up to it I was lazy. And also cause my cat passed away, I had to have foot surgery (again -_- don't ask I was being stupid), and I have been just distracted lol!!

But I come with the new chapter and well this one and a few after this will be a little different and follow not Cathy, but Sakura and what's going on back in the city. I'm not exactly sure how well it came out but I tried my best!! It was hard but something new!! ^^

And another reason why this chappie was difficult was A. I had to go through the episode while not rewriting the whole thing and try to make it interesting, and B. Sakura is still pretty new to me even though she's been in the book throughout. I have to make her different from our favorite fiery blonde.

So yeah!! That's all I have to say!!! Hope you enjoy, comment and vote telling me what ya think, and remember that I don't own Yugioh 5Ds, just the OCs and made up cards!!


Last time on Yugioh 5Ds Lost Memories! It's been a few days since Cathy and Yusei left to go to Goodwin's and I'm sure he sent them to where this trouble is happening, Satellite. Tanner, Yanagi, the twins, and I have been staying still in Tanner and Yusei's old friend's hideout, but ever since we all saw Luna's arm glowing the other night, we figured that the safest place might be somewhere a bit farther from the danger. After all Cathy and Yusei did face off against a couple these Dark Signers just before they left... I never believed that something like this would even be happening. Everything just seems to be going crazy... I just hope that there is something we can do to help. And that they're okay.

Sakura took a seat on the couch where it was in the middle of the enormous and spacious living room of Leo and Luna's home. The purplette sighed relaxed and also happy to have been freed of her boot that she had to wear since the Fortune Cup tournament.

Now free and ready to roam around wherever she wanted for now.

"Man would you just look at this place!" Tanner exclaimed in wonderment setting everyone's bags down he had carried. "I could get used to this."

Sakura chuckled and nodded sitting upright and looking at Leo and Luna who stood next to her, "you both have a lovely home. But where are your guy's parents?"

"They're mostly at work abroad so we get the whole place to ourselves!" Leo said grinning and his hand on his hips.

"Well with a sweet place like this, I definitely don't mind babysitting!" The muscular male said sitting next to Sakura as she rolled her eyes giggling.

Luna also laughed lightly shaking her head, "wait a minute you're not babysitting us. You're here cause Cathy and Yusei would be worried about the Dark Signers coming."

She then walked away to the other side of the couch and took out a card from her pocket. Leo went up to Tanner and grinned. "But don't worry. You won't have anything to be scared of if they do show up cause Luna and I will take care of them!"

"Really now?"

The male twin nodded but then looked serious and whispered so Tanner could hear, even though he wasn't speaking quiet enough that Sakura still heard him say, "though just between you and me Tanner, I think you might wanna stick closer to me. We all know boys duel better then girls when things get tough. It's been scientifically proven!"

Sakura gasped just as Tanner was about to say something. "Excuse me! But who beat you in the first round of the tournament~?" Sakura asked smirking a little causing Leo to freeze.

"Ack!! Cathy doesn't count! She's crazy strong with super powers!!"

"And a girl~. Also I do believe that I was close to being a semi finalist in the tournament." She added next while Leo was about to rebuttal again. "Oh and last time I checked I was female."

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