Arcadia Movements big Plan! An Angel's Protection.

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AN: Hi kittens!!! I'm back with the next Chappie!!! And once again like the last one this one is following the others in the city and the Arcadia Movement!!! While a big majority is basically the anime and Leo VS Señor Swoop, I do try to add more to it and the characters cause you know, this is fanfiction!! Like maybe one thing I had about these episodes was Leo was kind of meh in them and honestly I wish there was just something more to him *spoiler though I hope you all already know this* becoming or hinting at being a signer. So like all Fanfiction writers we add what we wanted to see but I also try hard to add it in with my story!!

But I really hope you all appreciate it and like it!! I know you all though probably want to read more Cathy hehe. She'll be back soon!! Though in the mean time, I hope you all enjoy and like the chappie please vote and comment!! Till next time!!

I do not own Yugioh 5Ds, only the OCs and the Original cards I make!!


Last Time on Yugioh 5Ds Lost Memories! Tanner, Yanagi and I all decided to stay at Luna and Leo's place while all this Dark Signer stuff was going on. While staying in their place we all tried to come up with something for our next plan since Luna's Signer mark began glowing and she told us Yusei was in trouble. We all then came up to the idea that we should go to the Arcadia Movement and try to convince Akiza and Sayer to help us defeat the Dark Signers. Now although we knew that these people are the same individuals who took Cathy away from Satellite and did some crazy things, especially with that Trickster man we still went. It was going very well and we thought Sayer might be on our side! Until he knocked us all out with gas!! Now we're separated from the twins in the headquarters! I just hope the twins will be alright...

Moonlight Angel sat around in darkness staring down at his hand. "The Crimson Signer child.... She has a much stronger connection to the Spirit World then I thought... Probably stronger then my lady." He thought out loud and sighed staring now ahead to where there was nothing.

"I made a duty to my lady to protect those kids. But she doesn't understand... Those kids... She shouldn't get close to any of them. Why did she have forget her memories?" He asked himself imagining an image of Cathy in front of him. Though she was in a dark dress while her back was facing him.

Sighing he gave a small smile bowing before her. "I swear to you my lady. Until the time comes I will do what you ask of me." The image disappeared at his words causing the duel spirit to sigh bored, "I just wish you also knew how boring it would be to not be in your possession. I haven't been able to connect with any of the girl's duel spirits and the boy hasn't gotten the connection to his duel monsters."

Closing his eyes he was feeling the small connection between him and Cathy's spirit remembering the pain he felt in her and knew something had happened to her back where she was. There was also a darkness he could feel there too. Whether coming from her or a Dark Signer he wasn't sure. He could only hope that she was okay.

Suddenly the new connection he had made when his card was given to new hands got stronger and there was something about it. When he reopened his eyes he stood up clutching his sword to his side. "Something isn't right."

Angel spread out his glorious white wings and immediately took off up high. Following the feeling he felt tying him to the twins. As he got closer he now felt the emotions of Leo. Fear, confusion, and worry were the strongest ones he detected. Though he couldn't feel Luna's emotions...

"I'm sorry child. I have to use your powers." He mumbled before closing his eyes still flying upward. His whole body began to glow in a bright red light that for a second the darkness had fully went away as did his body.

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