Chapter 2: The Next Day

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I groaned as I rolled over to the sounds of the guest bathroom shower running and a pounding headache. I reached for my phone and checked the time. 10:32. Shit. I hated sleeping the day away.

I picked up my phone and texted James:
How is Jake doing? I miss him. How was the hunting trip?

I pried myself out of my covers and went to the kitchen. Mandy was sitting at the table, freshly showered and having a cup of coffee.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked squinting from the light coming from the windows.

"Like a baby," she stated with a sideways look and a smile.

"Oh God, what?" After spending every waking moment together as kids and every possible minute as adults, I knew when Mandy was giving me "the look."

"Oh nothing. Just that you danced with Chris Young last night!" she said sarcastically.

I smiled, took a deep breath, and shook my head. "Yeah, and I had a blast. Fun while it lasted." As the words came out, Kayla appeared from the bathroom in a fresh set of clothes and towel dried hair.

"While what lasted?" she asked.

"Kendra thinks that Chris will forget about last night," Mandy stated with a dry, mocking tone.

"Well, you gave him your number right?"

"Yeah, and I had a text from him before I went to bed last night." I thought of the message that sent a bolt of lightning through my chest.

"What?!" Mandy said. "Let me see." She snatched my phone from the table before I could get to it. She and Kayla read the message together and had huge smiles when they finished.

"What?" I asked.

"I don't think a text like that means he plans to blow you off," Mandy said. Kayla agreed with a nod.

"I don't know, you guys. It's too soon after the divorce and Jake doesn't need random men coming in and out of his life. I'm not that type of girl."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean you can't have a little fun," Kayla said quietly.

I sat next to them at the table with a glass of orange juice and a bottle of Tylenol. "I suppose so. I don't know how to be single, it's been almost 10 years."

Mandy said, "You're a great mother, a hard worker, and you deserve to be happy. I saw the way you guys were looking at each other last night. He is on tour right now, right? So, text him back. It's not like he will be barging in on your life. He is busy doing his own thing. Text him and let this play itself out." She looked into my eyes, and I noticed a hint of concern in her baby blues. She always wanted me to be happy and was wise beyond her years.

"Okay." I agreed sheepishly. "But, what do I say?" I felt giddy inside.

"Just say how much you enjoyed last night, and you hope to hear from him soon," my youngest cousin said with her brunette hair starting to wave slightly from washing.

I grabbed my phone and texted the number from last night:

Hey you. I had a wonderful time too. Hope you have safe travels to Nebraska, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

I reread the message twice before pressing send.

A couple hours later, I walked Mandy and Kayla to the door where we exchanged our goodbyes and hugged each other tightly. I loved my family more than anything, and my cousins were definitely my best friends.

I sat down on the couch with a bowl of Captain Crunch and turned on the latest, recorded episode of Dance Moms, my guilty pleasure. Jake wasn't supposed to come home until tomorrow, so I had the remainder of the day to myself.

I returned to the couch from putting my bowl in the sink and noticed the blue notification light flashing on my phone. I instantly felt nervous. I looked at the screen. I had two text messages. The first message was from James stating:
Jake is good. Had a blast this morning. Got two birds.

I smiled at the thought of Jake hunting with his dad. Then, I went on to read the next message from Chris:

Good to hear from you. I hope you don't mind me texting. We are in Nebraska now, almost to Omaha. I hope you are having a good day.

I smiled again. No harm in texting someone, right?

I started to type a message back:
Text me anytime. My day has been good. Better now.

I reread it and erased the last line. I let out a big sigh. Oh, what do I have to lose. I then retyped the line and hit send.

A couple of hours went by with no message from Chris. Oh shit, I scared him off. Kendra, you're such an idiot.

I started a bubble bath, poured a glass of wine, and lit a dozen tealight candles. I placed the candles around the bathroom, turned out the lights, and slipped into the tub.

I was sipping my wine when my phone chimed:

C: So sorry, my phone died, and we played an afternoon show today. I'm glad you had a good day, and I'm happy I could contribute ;)

K: No problem, thought I scared you off. Been a long time since I flirted with a man. Didn't want to come on too strong.

C: You couldn't scare me off if you tried. Trust me, you're doing all the right things. I'm out of practice myself.

K: Haha, good to know. You guys on the road again?

C: Yeah, we're headed for Minneapolis. We play tomorrow night. What are you doing tonight?

K: Honestly?

C: Yup. :)

K: I'm in a candle lit bubble bath, milking a glass of wine.

C: Oh God. That sounds amazing. I hope you don't think I'm being too forward, but I really would like to get to know you better.

K: I would like that very much :)

C: You just made my day, I can't stop thinking about last night. Mind if I text you tomorrow?

K: Text me anytime.

C: Goodnight beautiful.

K: Goodnight Chris. Sweet dreams.

My fingers trembled slightly as I placed my phone on a towel in front of the bath tub. I washed my hair and climbed out, slipping into my bathrobe.

I took the wine glass to the kitchen, locked the front door, and crawled into bed. I thought of Jake coming home tomorrow and smiled. Then, I thought of Chris and his messages. My heart started to flutter as I drifted to sleep with the image of Chris' intense gaze locked into mine.

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