Chapter 23: Apologies

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I said goodbye to Becky at the airport, grabbed some lunch, and called my mom.

"Hello? How was the appointment? Am I finally going to have a granddaughter?" my mom asked without pausing. Both of my brothers had boys earlier in the summer.

"Yes, you are," I said, smiling.

My mom squealed over the phone. "Yea, it's a girl," I could hear her telling my dad in the background.

After I got off the phone, I sent a picture of the ultrasound to brothers with a message that read, "Meet your neice".

Then, I went to Babies R Us to buy her first outfit. I walked through the store and ran my hands along the baby stuff. I was getting more excited as the months passed. I went to the crib bedding and found the perfect crib set. It was a lavender and gray chevron pattern with dark purple flowers in the corners. Then, I found a lavender shag rug with a little bit of dark purple interlaced that would look brilliant in her room. I couldn't resist and purchased the items along with a pink floral top, white pants, and pink lace socks.

By then, it was time for me to go towards home and pick up Jake from school. He began all day preschool this year and loves it.

I picked him up and showed him the picture of the ultrasound in the car. He looked at it and smiled. "Want to know if it's a boy or girl?" I asked.

He looked at me and smiled then nodded his head.

"You are going to have a baby sister," I said cautiously, knowing he wanted a brother.

"Oh man! I want a brother," he said with a slight pout.

"I know but this is one of those things that we don't get to choose, and I know you'll be the best big brother."

"Yeah. I'll teach her to ride my bike," Jake said enthusiastically.

That night we ate dinner outside on a blanket. I made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, Jake's favorite. I didn't mind because I was craving anything with peanut butter. I sat back and stretched out on the blanket as Jake played on his jungle gym and swing set for a couple of hours. Then, we went inside. I made popcorn and found a movie on Netflix.

I gave Jake a bath, put him to bed, and drew myself a bubble bath...minus the wine, of course.

I was soaking in the tub, up to my chin in bubbles when my phone rang. I expected it to be my mom and just hit the answer button on speaker without moving from under the water.


"Hi," a breathy, deep voice sounded over phone.

Recognition of the voice made me sit up from the water and grab the phone. "Chris?"

"How are you?" he stammered.

"Uh, well. I'm good," I said not knowing if I should be mad or prove to him that I'm doing fine without him. "How are you?"


"That's what I heard from your mom," I said trying to cut the tension from the awkwardness.

"Yeah, about that. Look, Kendra. Dot came over to my house today and told me that we're having a girl."

"Yeah, we are."

"Dot picked my mom up from the airport and saw the picture. My mom told her that she wanted me to take responsibility and ask about it before she said anything, but Dot came straight to my house and told me. She told me that my mom had the picture."

"Oh," I didn't know what else to say.

"So, I drove over to my parents' house and asked to see the picture. My mom told me that you have a nursery and everything already."

"Yeah, I have Jake's crib, and now he has the bed from the bedroom upstairs," I informed him.

"Kendra, my mom wouldn't let me see the picture. She said I had to talk to you and ask you. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it all day. So, I'm asking you now. Can I please see the picture? Please?" He sounded wounded, tired, and sad.

I wanted to be mad. I wanted to say no. But, I can't deny my child of her father. "Sure, I will take a picture of the ultrasound and text it to you as soon as I'm done with my bath."

He chuckled then. "What?" I asked.

"Oh, just you're taking a bath. You and your bubble baths..." he said with a sound of remembrance.

"I do love my bubbles," I said.

There was a long awkward silence, and I finally said, "I will get the picture to you in a little bit." I didn't really want him to go, but I didn't know what else to say. Plus, I was still really pissed off at him.

"Ok, bye Kendra."


I washed my hair and put my robe on. I remembered that I had sent my brothers a picture earlier and forwarded Chris the same picture with the message "Meet your daughter" attached.

I climbed into a set of pajamas and texted Becky to let her know that Chris called me.

I almost drifted off to sleep when my phone dinged. It was a message from Chris.

C: Wow!

K: I know, pretty amazing.

C: Yes, it is. She is beautiful already.

K: Yes, she is.

C: Just like her mama.

My heart skipped a beat as I read the text. I was still so in love with him, and I missed him terribly. But, he hurt me. A lot. I had more than my own heart to protect, and he clearly impacted Jake already by not being around anymore. I decided to ignore the text and go to sleep.

Sleeping that night was easier said than done. I was thinking of how good it felt to hear Chris' voice again. The clock said 3:17 when my phone went off again.

C: I'm sorry, Kendra. I will probably never be able to make it up to you. But, I am truly sorry from the bottom of my heart.

K: I didn't trap you, Chris.

C: I know that now. I'm sorry if I woke you. Been up thinking.

K: You didn't wake me. You really hurt me, Chris.

C: I know. I am truly sorry. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since I talked to you earlier. Can I please call you tomorrow?

K: Tomorrow night is fine. After Jake goes to bed, please. I don't want him to know.

C: Thank you.

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