Chapter 7: All These Feelings

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The next morning I awoke to Chris' alarm at 8:00. I rolled over to face him as he reached for his phone. He turned off the alarm and rolled over to face me.

"Morning sweet girl," Chris rumbled in my ear.

"Good morning," I whispered back, trying my hardest to hide any possibility of morning breath.

Chris kissed me sweetly and trailed gentle kisses to my cheek and neck. "I don't want this weekend to be over," I said as I opened my neck to invite more kisses.

Chris let out a soft groan. "Me either. When can I see you again?"

I let out a sigh and snuggled closer. Chris ran his hands up my legs until he reached the hem of my nightgown. "I don't know. I have Jake for the next two weekends due to some trade off weekends with his dad. I'm sorry. Have you ever been with someone with a kid?"

Chris shook his head and ran his hands through his hair. "Listen, everyone has a past and no one enters a relationship with a clean slate. You're obviously an amazing mother, and I would be a hypocrite if I didn't accept that. My own step father helped raise me and became a huge staple in my life."

I nodded and gave a weak smile. "I like you, Chris. You're such a gentleman and incredibly handsome. I hope you understand that if this was to work, I have to move slow, for the sake of my son."

"I understand, Kendra. I'm a busy man, you know that. I don't give my heart out often to protect both myself and the other person. But, maybe this could work. You want to protect your son, and I respect that. I want to protect both our hearts. I am okay with moving slow."

I thought for a second and nodded. "So, what does that make us?" I asked.

"Right now, let's just roll with it. Let's not put a label on it and see if we can make it work," Chris asked gauging my face for signs of agreement. I nodded gently.

I relectantly drove Chris to the airport an hour later, and he held my hand and frequently brought it to his lips for sweet, gentle kisses.

Chris pulled out his phone and became quiet and deep in thought. I looked over at him, and said, "You okay?"

He looked at me and said, "Yeah, I was checking my road schedule. It looks like we will be on the west coast in 3 weeks. We have a show in Portland on Friday and one in Seattle on Saturday. If you're willing, I'd love to fly you out to my show."

"Oh, yeah, I'd love to. I've never been to the west coast. I've always wanted to see Seattle. I am not sure Friday would work anyway due to work and Jake."

"Okay," Chris smiled. "I will text you later when I get the details worked out."

"Okay," I said as I pulled into a parking spot at the airport.

I walked him inside and as far in as I could. He held my hand a little tighter as I leaned into his side.

"Thanks again for everything. I had an amazing time," Chris said with a twinkle in his deep brown eyes.

I nodded in agreement and reached up to grab his face, my five feet, five inch, curvy frame small against his six feet, 4 inches. He wrapped his arms around me and lifted so our faces were level. He gently smiled so the lines around his eyes stood out against his dark facial hair. He kissed me sweetly and gently and placed my feet back on the floor.

"Alright, I better get going. Talk to you soon."

"Okay," I said as I leaned in for one last hug.

I walked away, turning once and waving as Chris smiled back. On the way home, I smiled at myself and began to feel very hopeful for the future.

Jake arrived around 7:00, and I hugged him tightly. "Hi, sugar," I said with excitement. "Did you have a good time?"

Jake nodded and pulled out a shark tooth from his pocket. "Look what I got from the aquar-um."

I chuckled at Jake's attempt to pronunciate aquarium. "Oh wow! Did Daddy get you this?"

Jake shook his head and said, "Jenna did."

My heart did a strange turn. "Oh that's nice! Did you tell her 'thank you'?" I asked with a smile.

Jake nodded, and James said, "He was really good, and we had a good time."

"Good. I'm happy for you," I said with sincerity.

"Thanks. It means a lot," James said.

Jake and James said their goodbyes, then Jake and I ate dinner and snuggled on the couch while we watched cartoons.

At 8:30, I gave Jake a bath and put him to bed. Then, I drew my Sunday ritual bubble bath. I turned down the lights and lit candles. I was sipping a glass of wine when my phone chimed.

C: I made it home. How was your day?

K: :) It was good. Jake is home and sound asleep.

C: That's nice. Can I call?

K: Of course

A minute later, Chris' name lit up the screen.


"Hi sweetheart. What are you doing?"

"I am actually taking a candle-lit bubble bath and sipping a glass of wine."

"Oh God," Chris groaned. "You have no idea what that image is doing to me right now."

"No, but I can probably guess," I said with a low, seductive voice.

Chris chuckled and sighed. "So, I spoke to my manager, and he is drawing up a backstage pass for you for the show. This gives you access to hang out with us before the show."


"I checked flights, and I can get a flight for late Friday night at 8:26 your time. You will have a short layover in Vegas and arrive in Seattle at 9:35, Seattle time, 11:35 your time."

"Okay, that works for me. Will you be picking me up from the aiport?"

"Probably not, my show is at 8:00 in Portland on Friday. I will arrange for a car to get you and take you to the hotel. I will be there by the time you wake up. We're driving through the night."

"I can't wait."

"Me either. I better get some rest."

"Me too. Goodnight Chris.

"Goodnight sweet girl."

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