Chapter 25: Love Surprise

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I sat staring at the screen with tears streaming down my face. I wiped my cheeks and called Becky to help me with my plan. I was going to see Chris.

I called James and sent Jake to his house for the next few nights. Then, I booked a last minute flight to Lexington, KY. My flight was leaving in 3 hours, and I had an hour drive to the airport. I packed my bags and grabbed some lunch on the way.

I arrived in Lexington around 6:00 p.m. I took a shuttle to the hotel. I climbed in the shower to freshen up. When I got out, I took extra care to make my hair and makeup look nice.

Then, slipped on a pair of black leggings, which unfortunately were the only style of pants comfortable anymore. I slid a light blue top on that rested at about the middle of my thighs. It was supposed to be a knee length dress, but my growing tummy made it shrink some. I threw my cowboy boots on and looked in the full length mirror on the closet door.

This was the first time in almost 4 months I would see Chris. He hasn't seen me with my baby bump, and I'm a little nervous to see his reaction. I'm 24 weeks along, and it's definitely noticeable that I'm pregnant and not just chunky.

Today was Halloween, and I debated on coming because that meant Jake would go trick or treating without me. But, his dad loves him and is thrilled to take him. If this doesn't work out, I will kick myself for missing this holiday with Jake.

I called a cab, and it arrived at my hotel around 7:30. When I pulled up to the arena, I was certain Chris was already on stage. I handed the ticket I printed before I left home, thanks to Becky, to the guy at the counter.

"You're late. The opening act already performed," he said, looking at my ticket.

"I know. I'm here to see Chris Young, anyways."

"He's already on stage."

"I know, so can you please hurry. It's urgent I get inside."

He glared at me and handed my ticket back and opened the gate. I sped to the opening I was supposed to use to get to the ground level. I handed my ticket to the guard who checked it over.

"You're a little late, aren't you? Good luck finding a spot."

I glared at him and snatched the ticket from his hands. I knew I was late. I didn't need to be reminded. I also knew I was going to have to fight a crowd to get to the front somehow.

"Look, if you could help me out, I'd appreciate it. See this," I pointed to my belly. "This is Chris' baby. Now before you can roll your eyes at me, let me prove it to you." I pulled out my phone and ran through mutiple pictures of Chris and I hanging out in various locations.

He looked at me and at the pictures again. "What am I supposed to do about it?"

"He doesn't know I'm here. I flew in from Kansas about 2 hours ago. I am looking to get closer to the stage, please." I had to yell in his ear to drown out the screams of the girls loving the sight on the stage. Chris. My Chris. I looked at him again. "Please?!"

He sighed and grabbed my hand and helped guide me through the crowd of young girls who reluctantly parted to the side when they saw the guard passing through. They offered me some wonderful glares and stares.

He was able to drag me so that I was standing within visual distance of Chris about two misaligned rows from the stage.

I squeezed the guard's hand as he made his way back through the crowd to give him a silent 'thank you'.

Chris had his back to the crowd and was jamming with the drummer and guitarist. He was brilliant on stage. When he turned back around, my heart pounded at the sight of his face. He looked beautiful, and I felt like crying.

I could hear girls murmuring comments about how 'sexy' and 'hot' he was. I just smiled to myself. If they only knew.

Chris sang two more fast paced songs and ran along the stage to tag the hands of some squealing girls. But, he never looked up to look at me. I was feeling like my plan had been a failure when the music slowed down. Chris put his microphone back into the stand, stood close to it, and said, "This is one of my favorite songs I ever recorded, and it hits really close to home."

He began to sing the lyrics:

"Knock on my door, You're on my porch, It's about 11:30..."

Tears filled my eyes as I knew the song well. It's titled "Goodbye". Chris had his head turned to the left singing the lyrics with his eyes closed. He reached the part in the song where he sings:

"Stop right there, Don't say a word, Just let me hold you..."

At that point, he turned to the right and opened his eyes. When he did, he made direct eye contact with me. His eyes widened some but he continued to sing:

"Girl, we can fix, Whatever it is, So whatever you do...Don't let us die. The love of a lifetime is worth at least a million tries."

At that point I lifted my hand and waved slightly at him, and his voice trembled a little, and he slowed his rhythm and actually spoke the last set of lyrics still maintaining eye contact with me:

"Baby what we got is too good for goodbye."

People in the audience began to turn towards me to see what Chris was staring at.

"Ah, fuck it," Chris said into the microphone. He went to the edge of the stage and jumped off as the band quit playing to peek at the crowd. He brushed off the entangling hands of groping girls as he made his way to me.

When he reached me, we both had tears streaming down our cheeks. He grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me so forcefully that my knees almost buckled beneath me. I reached my hands up to hold his hands which still rested on my face. Chris pulled away and smiled. Then, he ran his hand along my belly and bent down to kiss it as the entire crowd burst into cheers. I looked up to see Chris kissing my belly on the big screen and smiled.

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