Chapter 15: Sick with Love

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I flew home the next day with a full heart, and for the first time in the last year, I had hope for the future.

On Monday morning, I woke up with a headache, and by Tuesday I had severe body aches and had been up sick all night. James picked up Jake Tuesday evening to keep him for the rest of the week just in case I was contagious. Wednesday, I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with a severe bacterial infection. He started me on a round of antibiotics. On Thursday morning, I began to feel a little better, but I was still bed ridden.

Later that evening, I had only been out of bed to use the bathroom and get a drink of water. About 6:30, there was a knock at the door, and I pulled the covers over my head to try to ignore it. Then, the doorbell rang, twice, and I knew then the person wasn't giving up. So, I reluctantly crawled out of bed, wrapped myself in my blanket, and headed towards the door. I opened the door to find Chris standing there with his bag and holding a can of soup and a bottle of 7up.

"Hey sweet girl, I thought you could use some company and someone to take care of you."

"Oh my gosh, Chris. You're really here," I stepped aside and let him in. I curled up on the couch still wrapped in my blanket as Chris made me some soup and crackers. He brought them to me and forced me to eat. After I ate what I could, I rested my head on Chris's shoulder as he gently stroked my head and played with my hair.

I ended up falling asleep and woke sometime around 2:00 in the morning and was lying in my bed with Chris next to me, snoring softly. I used the bathroom and came back in and laid back next to Chris. I couldn't resist staring at him, and I reached out to stroke his hair. His eyes fluttered open slowly, and he registered where he was at. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"What are you doing awake?" he asked.

"I needed to use the bathroom and then got distracted by how much I love you," I said looking at him.

He buried his face in my hand and took a deep breath, "I love you too, sweet girl."

I awoke the next morning feeling a little better, and I was able to move around the house without feeling exhausted. Chris was supposed to leave that night because he had a show on Saturday in Florida.

For lunch, Chris made me some more soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. It was probably the best grilled cheese sandwich I had ever eaten in my life. I'm not sure if it was because I was so hungry or because it actually tasted that good. After we ate, Chris made me go back to bed and began giving me a gentle back massage.

As he was massaging my back, I began to feel the burning desire for him deep down in my belly. I wanted to show him how thankful I was that he came, and I wanted to let him know that I loved him. I arched my back to his touches and moaned sensuously. Chris bent down to kiss my shoulder blades, and I turned my body between his legs.

He sat back on the bed, unsure why I stopped the massage. I crawled over to him and kissed him. I placed kisses along his jawline, down his neck, and behind his ear. Then, I straddled him and lifted his shirt over his head.

"Kendra, you need to rest," Chris said, not exactly resisting my touch.

I placed my finger to his lips. "Now, let me love you. I want to show you how grateful I am to have you."

Chris closed his eyes, and I placed my hand on his chest and trailed my fingers down to his shorts. Chris lifted his hips as I removed his shorts and boxers. His solid length demonstrated he desired me as much as I did him.

I looked up at him and gave a sultry smile. I laid briefly next to him as he place a finger in the hem of my pants. He kissed me as he removed them and smiled at the fact that I was not wearing any panties.

I slowly moved to straddle his legs, and I kissed him softly. His member pulsed beneath me, and I could feel moisture begin to pool between my thighs. I lifted the worn out college t-shirt slightly to allow myself access to Chris' entire length. I gently raised my hips and slowly came down on top of him with a soft moan.

"Sweet girl," Chris whispered as his back arched slightly off the bed and his head tilted back into the pillow.

I picked up pace and found a beautiful rhythm as I felt Chris deep inside. I arched my back and my hair dangled behind me. I delicately pulsated up and back on his manhood, and my breasts bounced underneath the thin layer of shirt with the deep v-neck giving Chris perfect view as I leaned over him.

As we came close to orgasm, Chris tightly wrapped his arms around me and gently pushed me down onto him with each thrust. We exploded together in a sensual and loving display of moans and gasping to catch our breath.

"I am so in love with you," Chris purred into my ear as I was draped over him.

"I love you too. And I appreciate you. You're so kind and loving, and it means so much to me," I said looking into his eyes. He gave me a small smile and kissed my lips.

At around 5:00, Chris' cab arrived to take him to the airport. I relectantly said goodbye to the man who stole my heart. He turned back to wave at me as he got into the cab.

He texted me during the drive to the aiport, and I crawled back in bed to finish resting as I wanted to be ready for Jake coming back the next day.

C: I can't stop thinking about you, sweet girl.

K: I'm glad a make an impression on you ;)

C: Oh trust me, you do, even when you aren't around.

K: Good. Have a safe trip, hun. Call me when you get in.

C: I will. I wanted to let you know that I am booked solid for the next three weeks, but my family is throwing me an early birthday bash at my parents' house on June 9th. I'd love it if you could come and meet more family.

K: Oh Chris, I feel terrible. I have a two day conference in Philadelphia that weekend. I'm so sorry.

C: Bummer. There's no way you can make it?

K: Not without jeopardizing my job. :( I feel awful!

C: It's okay, I understand. We work around my schedule so much, and we can definitely work around yours.

K: Okay, talk to you soon.

Jake had one week left of the school year, and then he spent the next week with my parents at their house. On the day he was supposed to arrive home, I received an email stating that the conference in Philadelphia was postponed due to a cancellation from mutiple vendors.

I immediately thought about texting Chris about the change in my schedule, but I changed my mind. Jake was supposed to go to James' house that weekend, so I texted Chris' mom Becky.

Becky and I developed a plan for me to surprise Chris at the party the following weekend. I booked my flight and sent Becky the confirmation. I was ecstatic to spend Chris' birthday with him as he did mine.

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