Chapter 8: Sleepless in Seattle

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The next three weeks seemed to drag on forever. Chris either called or texted every day, and I looked forward to hearing from him. We talked about his shows, interviews, and new video casting. We discussed Jake, Jake's preschool, and the stress from my work. I enjoyed having someone to share the stress of the day with again, and I mostly just loved listening to Chris' voice over the phone. Some nights we'd stay up late and talk each other to sleep and some nights Chris went out with his friends, which was fine by me.

The Thursday night before my trip to Seattle, I finally got the nerve to talk to my mom about my plans. My mom and I have always been fairly close, but she sometimes plays devil's advocate when I just need her to be "ride or die." This was one of those situations where I needed her complete understanding, and so I put off telling her.

"So, I met someone, mom," I said through the phone with timidation.

"Really? Okay? So, what's he like?"

"Well, he is not a guy I would meet around here, mom. Remember that time you were in my car and asked me who was singing on the radio?" I flashed back to the time I had my Chris Young CD in the player.

"Yeah...," my mother said with questioning.

"Well, that's who it is, mom. We met while he was in Wichita for a show, and I went out with Carly and Mandy for Kayla's birthday. His name is Chris Young, and I really like him."

"Oh honey, I don't know. You know how guys like that can be. And it's not good for Jake to have guys come in and out of his life."

"Yes, mom. I know. We've been talking for a month now. We've only seen each other twice. We're taking it slow, and Jake doesn't know yet. I don't plan on telling him until it becomes more serious. I'm only telling you because I want you to know that he is flying me out to Seattle tomorrow for a show on Saturday. Jake will be staying with James for the weekend."

"Well, okay. But please be safe," my mom said.

"I will. Don't worry."

After I hung up the phone, I texted Mandy:

K: Oh God, I just told my mom about Chris. I had to since I'm leaving tomorrow in case something happens.

M: Oh jeez, what'd she say? Mandy asked knowing just how my mom could be.

K: She said to be careful because "you know guys like that are." But she took it better than I expected :)

M: Yay! That's over with. Text when you land tomorrow please. Have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't do :)

K: Okay. And you know I won't ;)

I had been talking to Mandy about Chris since the night of the birthday party. Of course, she was a little concerned about Chris playing me at first. But after learning about our time together, Mandy has become very supportive.

I packed Jake's bag to go to his dad's house and started packing my suitcase.

"Mommy, what are you doing?"

"I'm packing my suitcase, sugar. When you go to Daddy's tomorrow, I'm going on a plane to see a friend."

"Mandy? Can I come?"

"No, not Mandy. And you will have fun at Daddy's."

"Okay. I'm hungry."

"You are? Hi hungry, I'm mommy," I said as I picked my son up and tossed him on the bed and started tickling him. My son's laughter made me smile. I realized at that moment how happy I was.

"Come on, let's go eat."

The next evening, I sent Jake with James, loaded my suitcase in my car, and drove to the airport.

I loaded the plane and texted Chris.

K: I'm on my way to you.

C: I'm excited to see you. About to go on stage. Text me when you land in Seattle.

K: You got it! I smiled and turned my phone off.

I had two nice flights and landed in Seattle at about 9:37. I turned my phone on and had two text messages waiting for me.

Mandy: Girl, you better not forget to text me.

Chris: If you want, you can leave an extra key to your room at the front desk with my name on it. ;)

I smiled. I sent a mass text to my mom, James, and Mandy: Landed in Seattle.

Then, I sent Chris a text back that said: I made it. I guess you'll have to wait and see ;)

C: Oh, you like to play games?

K: I do, actually. Know what else I like?

C: What's that, sweet girl?

K: Your arms wrapped around me.

C: I can't wait.

K: I'll be waiting. ;)

I arrived at the hotel and received my room key. I instructed the attendant to leave a key up front for Chris when he arrived.  I went upstairs, rinsed off in the shower, and dabbed some perfume on neck and wrists. I am thankful I brought a pair of my sexiest pajamas, a black silk nightie with black lace panties.

I crawled into bed and pulled the covers to my chin. It was still cold outside, even though it was March. I tossed and turned for hours, trying to fall asleep. Finally about 2:30 in the morning, I dozed off lightly for a few minutes until I heard the key entry to my room beep. I pretended to be asleep as Chris walked in and set his bag down. After he came from the bathroom, he left the door cracked with the light on so he could undress.

I opened my eyes to watch him remove his shirt and pants, enjoying watching the muscles in his back as he did. He put on a pair of black shorts over his boxer briefs and grabbed a thin, white t-shirt. He turned to around to put his shirt on only to catch me staring at him. He jumped slightly and chuckled.

"Enjoying the show?" he rumbled with a half grin.

"You bet I am. Now come over here and kiss me."

Chris' dimples deepened as his smile got bigger. He walked over to the foot of the bed, and crawled over my legs until he was draped over top of me.

"I missed your lips," he said bending down to kiss my lips. "I missed your eyes," he said kissing those too. "And your neck," he said bending his head to kiss the crease of my neck.

I felt a low burning sensation deep in my belly, and I wanted to grab ahold of him and bring him closer. But, I needed to show restraint.

I moaned lightly and chuckled, "I missed you too." Chris rolled over to his side and turned me to face him.

"I'm so glad you're here," he said, lifting my chin so he could kiss me. "How was your flight?"

"It was great, actually. No problems at all."

Chris nodded and nuzzled my neck. "You smell incredible. Now close your eyes and go to sleep before I can no longer contain myself."

I smiled, pleased with my outfit choice and wrapped my arms around him as he did me. Sleep came very easy at that moment in time.

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