Chapter 12: Meet the Parents

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We drove the two hours to see my parents, and Chris held my hand and caressed my hand with his thumb. I stopped along the way to fill up with fuel and ran inside the convenience store for a couple of bottles of water. When I came back, Chris had a mischievous look in his eyes.

"What?" I asked.

"So, wanna play a game?" he asked.

"Uh, maybe," I said looking nervous.

"Let's play, 'What's in your CD player?'" Chris said smiling.

I thought for a second. "Oh geez! I had that before I met you! But yes, I like to listen to your music," I said referring to my Chris Young "A.M." CD in the player that I've had for years. I started to blush.

"It's fine, it's cute. I was trying to turn on the radio and accidentally hit the eject button and recognized the disc. It's okay. You can tell me that you like to listen to me."

"I didn't want to come across as a super fan or something. I have always loved your music, and I'm embarrassed you found my CD. Besides, I miss your voice when you're gone. Good thing about dating a famous performer is you can listen to him whenever you want."

"You've never asked me to sing for you."

"I figure you get enough of that on the road. But, I do love your voice. Sometimes, I just close my eyes and listen."

"I do get enough singing on the road, but nothing makes me happier than singing with no strings attached."

"So, you'd sing me to sleep some night?" I asked with a wink.

"Baby, I'd sing you to sleep every night because that'd mean we were together."

I couldn't help but smile. I pulled into the hotel shortly after, and we checked in. We had an hour before we were supposed to meet my parents, so we ran across the street to the nearest restaurant to eat dinner.

An hour later, we walked into a dark, loud bar with a redheaded woman singing an off key version of "Redneck Woman" by Gretchen Wilson. I spotted my parents, my two brothers and their wives, my grandmother, and my Uncle Wayne sitting at a large, rectangular table. There were two empty chairs saved for Chris and I. My family stood as we approached and hugs and introductions were made.

"So, you singing tonight?" my dad asked looking at Chris with his black hair slicked back in the same style he has worn since the 70's.

"Well, I was considering it," Chris said. "That is if you don't show me up. I hear you are quite the entertainer."

"Haha, yea, well, I used to be," my dad said with a smile.

The DJ announced the next singer as my grandmother, and she got up to sing Patsy Cline's "Crazy."

I gauged Chris for his impression of my grandmother. Once she began to sing, Chris raised his eyebrows and nodded his head.

The DJ went down the list of singers, which just happened to be each member of my family: my brother, Curtis, his wife, Carrie, Uncle Wayne, and my dad.

With each family member, Chris shook his head with amazement. "This is awesome!"

Then, my dad got up to sing. Elvis Presley's "In the Ghetto" came over the speakers. My dad let out his smooth baritone. Chris' head snapped to me with a shock. "Holy shit! He is amazing! Kendra, what the hell? Who are you guys?"

I laughed at his reaction. When my dad finished, Chris stood to shake his hand. "There's no way I'm singing tonight after that," Chris said.

"Kendra! Put a song in," my mom yelled across the table. Normally, I wouldn't have thought twice before singing. But, I've never sang in front of Chris before, at least not intentionally.

I shook my head, and Chris nudged me. My mom glared at me. A couple of songs later, the DJ called my name.

"Go!" my brother yelled.

I grabbed the microphone with a hand slightly shaky from nerves. "Fancy" by Reba McEntire began to play. I made the mistake of looking at our table because Chris had his body turned towards the stage and was staring directly at me. I closed my eyes and relectantly began to sing the first line. As I got into the chorus, the entire bar erupted into cheers. I enjoyed singing, but I wouldn't call myself amazing. I even messed up on the last verse of the song, but when I finished, Chris stood and kissed me on the cheek as a I came back to sit down.

"What was that?" he asked.

All I could do was look at him.

"That was so good! You can sing, girl. Oh my God!" Chris said with excitement in his eyes.

"No, I just sing for fun."

"I'm serious, Kendra. You're really good. I have never experienced karaoke like this. I've never met such a musically inclined family."

I smiled. "Well, now it's your turn."

"Oh, no. I really don't want to draw attention to myself. We're having a good time here, and I don't want to ruin it by people who recognize me."

"Please, Chris? You told me in the car that you would sing for me any time."

He glared at me and checked the song book. A couple of songs later, Chris went up to sing. "I've always loved this song. And Keith Whitley will forever be my favorite artist," Chris said as "Don't Close Your Eyes" began to play. He sang the song beautifully and was so into the music. I couldn't take my eyes off his face. At that moment, I knew that Chris had the music in his heart.

My dad stood and told Chris what a nice voice he had as they walked back to the table. Everyone continued to sing and drink multiple pitchers of beer. My brother got up to sing Garth Brooks' "The Dance." Chris pulled me to my feet and drug me to the dance floor. He held me close as we swayed to the music.

"Remember when we first danced?" Chris asked. I nodded and looked into his eyes.

"I thought you were the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I was so nervous to even talk to you. I would've kicked myself if I hadn't asked you to dance. But, I really just wanted to touch you."

My heart skipped a beat. "I was so nervous. I knew right away who you were, and I was trying so hard not to show how much of a dork I am. I thought you'd never ask me to dance."

"I wouldn't have let you go without getting your number," Chris assured me. I laid my head on his chest as we danced.

We said goodnight to my family and went back to the hotel. We changed into our pajamas and crawled into bed. Chris began to sing me to sleep with a beautiful, quiet tune.

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