Chapter 1: Night Out

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"Daddy!" My son screamed as my ex husband walked up to the screen door to my house.

"Hi Buddy!" James said as he scooped our three year old son up and wrapped him in a bear hug.

I smiled at the encounter between the two. "Hi, James. Happy Valentine's Day," I said to the man who was my husband for 6 years before the divorce.

"Happy Valentine's Day to you. Big plans for the weekend?" He asked genuinely. We were still good friends despite being divorced for only 6 months.

"Carly, Mandy, and I are taking Kayla out for her 21st birthday tonight. Other than that, just relaxing. What are you plans with Jake?" I asked, referring to our son.

"I'm thinking I will take him hunting for the first time in the morning." He eyed me cautiously. I cringed at the thought of my 3 year old on a hunting trip in the middle of winter. But, I trusted James, and he has been looking forward to Jake being old enough to go.

"Yea, Daddy!" Jake stated enthusiastically, and his large, blue eyes lit up.

"Sounds fun!" I choked out. A look of relief spread across James' face as if he was nervous about telling me about the idea. His green eyes silently thanked me, and I nodded.

"Well, buddy, we should probably go. Give mommy hugs."

Jake ran over to me, and I crouched down to meet him at eye level. "Be good, sugar. Love you, and I'll see you on Sunday, okay?" I hugged him and tousled his strawberry blonde hair. Jake hugged me back and ran out to James' truck.

I watched as James helped Jake climb into the backseat of his truck and buckle him in. James looked back at me and waved. A small smile spread across his face. He was an amazing father, a great guy, and a good husband. We just weren't good together.

We met in college in 2007. My roommate, Andrea, and James' suitemate, Gus, were dating at the time. I went to visit Gus with Andrea one night after staying late at the biology lab. Shortly after walking into Gus' dorm room, James busted in, wearing nothing but a towel. His dark hair damp from the shower, sea green eyes, and chiseled body were too much to handle. We started dating a week later, we got married two and half years after that, and we had Jake three years after the wedding.

I smiled back at James and closed the door to my house. I still lived in the house that James and I bought together. It was agreed that since I have primary custody of Jake during the week, he should remain in his home.

My heart stung a little at the thought of Jake leaving for the weekend. I always missed him when he left to go to his dad's house, and I will never get used to not seeing him every day now. I glanced at the clock. Shoot, it's already 4:00. My cousins were set to arrive at my house at 6:00. We were going to get ready and hit up the town.

At 5:45, my door bell rang and Mandy let herself in. I was just getting out of the shower and met her in a towel and head wrap.

"Hey, how was the drive?" I asked, giving her a big hug. She drove 3 hours from Kansas City and planned to stay at my house for the night.

"It was good. Just jammed out to the radio," Mandy said while running her fingers through her long auburn hair.

"Good. I think Kayla should be here any time and Carly is going to meet us in Wichita for dinner." Mandy and Kayla were my first cousins on my dad's side. Mandy was three years younger than me, Kayla, who was just turning 21, was almost 9 years younger.

"Oh! I haven't seen Carly in forever; I'm excited she's coming." Mandy exclaimed.

"Me too," I said. Carly was my cousin on my mom's side and the same age as Mandy.

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