Chapter 10: Until I See You Again

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I flew home the next day with a full heart and tons of great memories. A couple of weeks went by, and Chris was busy on the road. We talked on the phone every night, and my feelings for him grew deeper every day.

The Easter holiday was on the approaching Sunday. Chris had plans to go home to see his family, and my family wanted me with them so they could celebrate with Jake.

On the Friday before, Jake and I packed our bags and headed to my parents house for the weekend. When we arrived, Jake was thrilled to see my parents and ran to give them huge bear hugs.

"Grama! Grampa!" he shouted.

"Hey cowboy!" my mom said, scooping him up.

"Hey sis," my dad said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled at the nickname my dad had for me since I was a little girl.

Later that night, my brothers and their pregnant wives came, and we all colored Easter eggs. My older brother, Daniel, his wife, Megan, wrote on an Easter egg with a white crayon and dunked it into the blue dye. When they pulled it out, they gave it to my mom who read the words, "It's a boy!" outloud. My mom let out a squeal and hugged my brother and his wife. My younger brother, Curtis, and his wife, Carrie, and I hugged them as well. I was ecstatic to learn Jake would have a cousin to run around and do "boy" things with.

Due to limited space, Jake and I shared a bed that night. As I laid in bed, trying to fall asleep, my Skype account started ringing. I picked up my phone to see Chris calling, I clicked on the lamp, and answered with video call.

"Hi!" I whispered.

"Hey," he said with a low voice. "Is it okay that I called?"

"Sure, Jake is lying here next to me. Wanna see him?"


I pointed the camera on my phone towards Jake until his sleeping face lit up the screen.

"Wow! He looks just like you. What a great looking kid," Chris said barely above a whisper.

"Thanks," I said smiling at my son.

"Look at you, look at the love on your face."

"I do, I love him with everything I have," I said.

"I know," he said softly. "Kendra, let's do it. Let's put a label on it."

My heart started racing. I knew exactly what he meant.

"I'm starting to develop serious feelings for you, and I am ready to go for it. We make a great team, and I'm ready to make it exclusive. What do you say?" Chris asked.

"Yes, I've been ready for awhile. Oh, Chris. I'm so happy. You make me smile every day, and you give me more than I could ask for."

"You deserve so much more, sweet girl. I promise to do my best to give you that."

All I could do was smile. "Chris, I should get to bed. I have a long day tomorrow."

"Me too. Goodnight girlfriend," Chris chuckled.

I laughed out loud, and Jake stirred. I covered my mouth with my hands as he settled back to sleep.

"Goodnight boyfriend, sweet dreams.

The next morning I helped my mom prepare the turkey and ham for the Easter dinner. Due to inevitable aging, my grandmothers were unable to cook the meal like they used to.

We spent Easter with both sides of my family in one building. My families have always known each other and been really close. Mandy was there with her new husband, and I told her about Chris and I making this relationship official. She smiled and said she was happy for me.

On Monday, my work resumed, but Jake did not have school. So James picked Jake up on Sunday night. After work, I texted Chris to tell him about a chance to meet my parents in a non-invasive and impersonal way, which believe it or not, is the most comfortable for them.

K: So, I was thinking... I think it's time you met Jake and my parents. The only reason I bring it up now is because there is a perfect opportunity on the 30th for you to meet them. But I would like you to meet Jake first.

C: Wow, okay. You caught me off guard a little. But let me see what I can do. I'll call you later tonight sweet girl.

K: Sorry ;) I know it's kind of sudden, but I can explain when you call.

I drew my Sunday bubble bath and climbed in. Chris called shortly after.

"Hi," I said.

"Hey," Chris sounded tired and worn out.

"Busy day?"

"You have no idea, my mom had me running around like crazy. I love helping her out, but it was exhausting. You made it home, I assume?"

"Yep, Jake is at his dad's, and I'm in my bath."

Chris chuckled, "Like clockwork. So, what's this about meeting your parents in a couple of weeks?"

"Well, the best way to meet my parents would be in an environment where they're comfortable. They hate the formal, sit-down dinner meeting. Anyway, on the 30th, they have been invited to attend a karaoke party at a bar in Salina. Both of my brothers plan to attend as well. I thought this would be a perfect chance for you to meet them. But, I was hoping you could come the Friday night before and meet Jake."

"Yeah, okay. Sounds fun. And I'm really looking forward to meeting the other man who has your heart," Chris said with a bit of humor in his voice.

"Okay! I'm nervous and excited. Nervous for you to meet Jake, but I'm excited to have the awkward meetings over with," I said.

"Sweet girl, I'm going to go to bed. I'll call you tomorrow," Chris said with a yawn.

"Okay. Goodnight. Sweet dreams."

"Goodnight," Chris purred.

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