Chapter 20: The Lonely Ride

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The next morning I woke up feeling like I'd just gone 10 rounds with Mike Tyson. My whole body hurt from crying. As if I wasn't hurting enough, the baby made me get sick as soon as my feet touched the floor.

I packed up my bags to make it to the airport on time. I ate the continental breakfast and rode the shuttle to the airport. Before I left, I made the mistake of asking the attendant if anyone had tried to contact me.

He noticed the hurt in my eyes when he told me that there weren't any messages. "Sorry," he said with pity on his face.

That exact moment was when I decided I didn't want to be pitied. I was strong, and I could do this alone. I had a great family who would be thrilled and offer a ton of support.

I sat on the plane and texted Mandy that I was on my way home, that things didn't go well, and I'd call her when I got home.

I pulled into my driveway, and Mandy's red sports car was sitting there waiting for me. She opened her door as I pulled up, and I got out and started sobbing.

She grabbed my bag from the car and walked me to my front door. We sat on the couch, and I told her everything.

In true Mandy fashion, she said, "What an asshole. You don't need him. We can do this ourselves."

I nodded and used a tissue to wipe the snot from my face. Those would be the last tears I cried over Chris Young.

The next few days flew by quickly as I tried to busy myself with work, Jake, and yard work. On Thursday evening, my phone rang. I searched the screen for Chris' face as I always did.

But, it wasn't Chris on the screen. Instead, Becky's name appeared across the screen. I groaned when I realized I couldn't avoid it any longer.

"Hello?" I said into the phone in my best perky voice.

"Hi Kendra, it's Becky. How have you been?"

"I've been doing okay. How are you?" I said not wanting to give away too much.

"Listen, I know about the baby and your fight. I'm calling because I want you to know that I want to be in my grandchild's life even if this doesn't work itself out between you and Chris. But, I hope that doesn't happen. Kendra, he is miserable."

"Of course, Becky. I wouldn't deny you or the baby of a relationship. And as far as Chris goes, I have never been more disrespected in my life. I'm not trying to talk ill of your son, I'm just trying to do right by me and my family."

"I understand completely, Kendra. Trust me, I do. Chris came over to the 4th of July party without you, had bloodshot eyes, and looked a mess. I knew something was up. After the party, I asked him what happened. He showed me the ultrasound and told me what happened. He is convinced you trapped him. I tried to tell him otherwise, but he is stubborn."

"Becky, I'm not trying to trap him," I said with a quiver in my throat.

"I know, Kendra."

"I figured out that I got pregnant when I was taking the antibiotic for that bacterial infection. I should have known better. I knew that it could make my birth control ineffective. I can't believe I was so dumb," I ranted.

"Oh that makes perfect sense. Kendra, look, it happens. Life happens and you two are in love. And if it's any consolation, I am excited for another grandbaby. I guess I'm just asking you to give him some time to come around. He loves you, and he really would make a great father."

"Becky, I'm always going to be here. But, I can't say that I can forgive that easily. He really hurt me, and right now, I have to protect myself, the baby, and Jake."

"I understand, and you have every right to be upset. I will talk to you soon. I would like to stay updated with the baby, please?"

"Sure." I agreed.

A few weeks passed, and I was officially out of the first trimester. I had a scheduled appointment to check baby's development and hear the heartbeat for the first time. My mother came with me to the appointment. She was disappointed in my choices but definitely thrilled for another grandchild. My brothers both had their babies a couple of weeks ago, only days apart. I went to meet the babies and that's when I told my family. Even Jake is excited about being a big brother.

We sat in the exam room waiting for the doctor to come in. She walked in about 5 minutes later and checked my measurements. She put the doppler to my stomach, and my mom and I smiled as we heard the heartbeat. The doctor figured that I was about 13 weeks and just past the first trimester mark. We scheduled the next appointment and left.

I really wished Chris was there to hear the heartbeat for the first time. He really would have been so excited. My heart stung every time my phone rang or I got a text and none were from Chris. I guess I had expected to hear from him by now. It had been six weeks since our fight. But, I was still very angry at him for what he said.

I sent the update on the baby to Becky via text message once we got in the car. She texted that she was happy everything was good.

Jake was starting school in a week, and my mom and I were taking him school shopping.  We picked him up from James' house that morning as Jenna was there with him.

"She seems nice," my mom said getting in the backseat with Jake.

"She is. Jake loves her," I said as I backed out of the driveway.

My mom and Jake played in the backseat all of the way to Wichita. We had lunch and walked through the mall. I was going to need some maternity pants soon.

When we got home, my mom went to sleep in the spare bedroom. Jake crawled in bed with me. He kissed me on my cheek and then kissed my tummy.

"Goodnight baby," he said.

That's when I knew it was all going to be okay.

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