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The Picnic.

ANDIE, GILBERT and JOHN BLYTHE all arrive at the garden together. It's beautiful, with flowers everywhere, quaint furniture and people dressed up in pretty dresses and suit jackets. Before they go in ANDIE stops and pretends to fiddle with the bottom of her skirt. GILBERT notices and goes back, waving his father in.

Gilbert: Are you alright?

Andie: No. I feel sick. 

Gilbert: My friends are dying to meet you.

Andie: Not literally, I hope.

Gilbert: No, not literally. But you are all they've talked about since you got here. They'll be talking about you even more once they've met you!

ANDIE looks at GILBERT incredulously.

In a good way. I'm sure they are going to like you. I do.

Andie: You're very generous. But...won't it be obvious I'm not from around here? And when I say 'here' I mean, this country OR time-period?

Gilbert: Maybe. But I feel confident we can just pass it off as you being British. Most won't have met too many British people.

ANDIE takes a deep breath and exhales. 

Andie: Okay. I used to read Jane Austen...I can speak "amiably". I can do this.

Gilbert: You can do this. Who is Jane Austen?

ANDIE shakes her head like "not now" and they walk into the garden. The gossiping girls (made up of RUBY GILLIS, JANE ANDREWS, JOSIE PYE and TILLY BOULTER) notice and at once start gossiping. ANNE SHIRLEY and DIANA BARRY are just to the side, also turn to look. 

ANDIE and GILBERT stop to stand beside JOHN, who is talking to MRS LYNDE. Or, it might be said MRS LYNDE is talking to him. ANDIE puts on her persona.

Mrs Lynde: Well, my child, a pleasure to see you again.

Andie: And you, Mrs Lynde.

Mrs Lynde: What a...dress. Your aunts? They say fashion recycles itself. 

MRS LYNDE doesn't like the dress.

But you look pretty. A little-sickly looking but pretty. I daresay when you're strong again you'll be a lovely-English rose.

Andie: So long as I don't become too plump like my mother?

Mrs Lynde: I didn't mean anything by the comment, dear. And I daresay you'd carry the weight a little differently, anyhow. 

Andie: Kind of you to say, Mrs Lynde. 

Mrs Lynde: Go! Mingle. 

John: I have to see a man about a horse. Kids, play nice. 

ANDIE and GILBERT are alone. It feels as though everyone is watching them. Panicking, ANDIE puts her hand on GILBERT'S forearm and talks under her breath.

Andie: Shit, Gilbert. Everyone is staring at us.

Gilbert: They can't wait to meet you.

Andie: Meet me or eat me?

Gilbert: These here are good Christian people. They wouldn't do such a thing.

Andie: I'd bet my hat they would.

Gilbert: Good thing you don't have a hat to bet with. Besides, ladies don't bet.

Anne with an E: Andie with an IEWhere stories live. Discover now