19. JULY

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*themes of grief and long-term illness of loved ones

JOHN's condition has been steadily worsening. ANDIE is in the kitchen when ELIJAH knocks on the door.

Andie: Elijah.

Elijah: Miss Norman. I was...I was wondering if you'd stroll with me. There is...there is something important I'd like to discuss.

ANDIE nods, knowingly, she takes her scarf and puts it around her neck, entering into the chilly nights' air. She wraps her arm into his. He seems more serious than she's seen him. There is a heavy quiet. He takes her into the orchard until they find the bench. They sit. He turns to her.

Elijah: Miss Norman, Andie.

He clears his throat.

I know...I know you'd rather I...I waited. To have this conversation with you. And I understand that. I had...I had every intention of waiting. I would've waited forever for you to be ready...I was prepared to work, to earn your affection and your...your love. Because I love you. And I will love you in a week, a month, a year...in ten years, I am sure I will still love you. I would've waited but...but...with your uncle...his health is worsening and, and I've been thinking.


Practically. About the farm. Gilbert, is a boy. A child. He'll inherit this land and I do not doubt he has the know-how to run it...but the inclination? You are not inclined to run the farm yourself, you've said as much. It's something I would like very much. I would like very much to work it, to provide for you and for your family. For any family of ours that comes along. I want to be that for you, Andraya.

ANDIE is looking into his face very seriously.

Let's get married. While your uncle is still alive to give you away. We can write to your mother after the fact only...say yes, please, my love.

ANDIE blinks. She is waiting for the faint but it doesn't come.

Andie: Elijah, I – I don't know what to say.

ELIJAH looks disappointed.

I will need to think on it.

ELIJAH nods, looking at the floor. She takes his hands in hers.

Eli, I care for you a great deal. Do not think for a second that I don't. I just need to think about it, okay?

He tries to smile. They both stand.

Will you kiss me?

Elijah: Not until you agree to marry me.

Andie: Fair enough.

She strokes his strong, coarse arms, shaking her head.

Proposed to at 17. Crazy.

They walk back to the house, solemnly. GILBERT is sat at the table doing homework. ELIJAH says goodbye and leaves.

Andie: Have you finished your homework?

Gilbert: Nearly. Are you getting married?

Andie: Nearly. I said I needed to think about it. I need to talk to John, really.

Gilbert: He's awake. I've just taken in his tea.

ANDIE nods.

Andie: Stay here, will you?

Anne with an E: Andie with an IEWhere stories live. Discover now