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*themes of grief and death of loved ones

When ANDIE returns home, GILBERT is fast asleep in a chair beside JOHN's bed. JOHN is also fast asleep. 

ANDIE walks in quietly, she kisses JOHN first, then GILBERT, then sits in a chair beside them both. She falls asleep. 

When she wakes, it is because she feels a hand on hers. Opening her eyes she sees JOHN lying in the bed and the spirit of JOHN stood beside her. She is shocked. JOHN presses his hand to his mouth.

John: Hush!

Andie: John. 

John: I knew there was something amiss, all the while you and my son were whispering. I knew I was being left out of the secret.

Andie: We thought, I thought you wouldn't believe me.

John: Come.

ANDIE stands and as she does so, she also becomes a spirit in the clothes she was killed in in the 21st century.

Gosh, quite unrecognisable Miss Andraya.

Andie: Uncle –

John: I'm not your uncle. Not really. Although I will always be your family. You were good to us. You will be rewarded.

JOHN kisses GILBERT on the head, who jostles slightly, before walking out of the bedroom (without opening the door) and out into the fields.

Andie: John?

ANDIE follows him, leaving behind both GILBERT's body and her own.

What about Gilbert?

John: He is strong. We raised him that way, Maria and I. You helped of course, when you came along. I'm ever so glad you did, Andraya.

Andie: Me too.

John: Poor Elijah.

Andie: Poor Elijah.

JOHN walks to the edge of the field and looks out, soaking it in.

Where are you going?

John: I'm going where I belong. I suggest you do the same.

ANDIE turns to look at the house.


JOHN points down the lane to where a soft light is glowing.

You need to go home.


Andie: Was...was this anything to do with my father?

John: Your father?

Andie: Did I come here because of him?

John: He might've played a hand...but I'm not the one to say.

Andie: John.

John: Come now, Andraya. I must go home. So must you. 

Andie: Will I see you again?

John: I hope so, with all my heart.

ANDIE nods. Turning to look at the house, she is crying silently. Looking back JOHN is gone. She has no choice but to walk back down the lane. The light goes bright.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Back inside the house. GILBERT wakes suddenly. He checks his fathers' pulse and sees that he is dead. He tries to wake up ANDRAYA but she won't wake up. GILBERT is frantic. He starts to cry, running all over the house to get the smelling salts. He thrusts them under ANDRAYA's nose but she still will not wake. He is sat on the floor crying, head between his legs, when suddenly she sits up. She looks around with confusion, focusing on the crying boy now.

Raya: John Blythe?


Anne with an E: Andie with an IEWhere stories live. Discover now