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APRIL. ANDIE is in the fields, fixing a fence with PATRICK. She wipes the sweat off her brow.

Patrick: This isn't work for a lady.

Andie: Don't even try it, Patrick. Gil's at school, John's in Charlotte town. If we don't fix this fence now then we'll have cows trampling our crops.

Patrick: I can do it on my own.

Andie: Good for you. Ready? 

They both pick up a piece of wood. ANDIE holds it while PATRICK hammers. They are nearly finished, sweating profusely, when both hear a voice from across the field.

Prissy: Andie? Andie?

ANDIE turns and sees PRISSY.

Andie: Prissy? Just a second.

Patrick: I've got it.

ANDIE holds it a few moments longer until its properly secured, then turns to walk towards PRISSY.

Andie: Prissy, your shoes. What are you doing here?

Prissy: I have something to tell you! It can't wait!

Andie: Can it wait until we're back in the house? I have peach tea. 

She turns to PATRICK.

Are we good?

Patrick: We're good. Thank you, Miss.

Andie: Of course. 

Back in the house, PRISSY can't stay still. ANDIE has poured them both a glass of peach tea before sitting in a chair, exhausted.

Goodness me, Priscilla Andrews. What's got you all in a tiz?

Prissy: I just...

She takes a deep breath.

I have something to tell you and...and ask of you also.

Andie: Well? Spit it out.

PRISSY laughs.

Prissy: Stephen...I mean to say, Mr Phillips has asked for my hand in marriage.

ANDIE is shocked.

Andie: Right.

Prissy: Is that all there is to say? I was ever so anxious after Christmas that he'd changed his mind, that he had no intention to ask me for my hand but then...last Sunday, after churched he stopped by and asked my father.

Andie: Goodness. And are you happy?

Prissy: Exceedingly so. We're to be married at the end of the month.

Andie: The end of the month? Jesus Christ, Prissy. I mean...I pray to Jesus Christ that he blesses you and, and Mr Phillips...and your...your union.

Prissy: Thank you. That's the second thing, I was wondering if you'd like to be part of my bridal party?

Andie: Well, if you mean to go through with it...I'd be honoured.

Prissy: Really?

Andie: Of course, Prissy – well, really, besides Gilbert, you're my best friend.

Prissy: And you, mine. I'd ask you to be my maid of honour but unfortunately mother says I have to have Jane.

Andie: Of course you have to have Jane, she'll look very pretty in whatever you put her in I'm sure.

Anne with an E: Andie with an IEWhere stories live. Discover now