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The Blythe's. Middle of the night.

ANDIE is asleep. We hear a steady beep, like a heart monitor. This sound turns into the sound of a bell being rung. ANDIE wakes with a start, standing up and crossing to look out of the window. There is a banging on her bedroom door. ANDIE opens it swiftly as JOHN comes flying in.

John: There's a fire in town. Get your shoes and coat, quickly now. Grab any blanket and bucket you can find!

Andie: Where are the firemen?

John: We don't get firemen out this way, we gotta fend for ourselves.

ANDIE looks bewildered for a long moment.


She nods and jumps into action.

Andie: Where's Gilbert?

John: He took the fastest horse.

She is sent to gather blankets and does so. A bundle of blankets in her arm, she is about to leave the house when JOHN roughly grabs one.

John: Not this one.

Andie: John?

John: Not this one.

JOHN throws the blanket on the chair and leaves out of the door. ANDIE is confused but follows him.

The Gillis House. A fire is raging.

Many women are crying, stood with their children. Most men are helping one another to carry buckets of water to the house. There is a feverish atmosphere. ANDIE is frightened. Searching the crowd desperately she finally sees GILBERT. He is up a ladder near an open window, from which flames are pouring out.


Gilbert: Andie! Up here.

Andie: What are you doing!? GET DOWN!

Gilbert: I'm fine! Help pa!

Andie: If you die so help me, you'll probably get sent to the future and I'm not having it!

ANDIE rushes back to the wagon and grabs blankets. She sees JANE and PRISSY.

Is everyone out?

Prissy: Yes, see, the Gillis family there.

Without another word, ANDIE moves towards the GILLIS's where she offers them the blankets, wrapping one around RUBY. She then tries to smile kindly at the small girls, wrapping a blanket around them both.

Ruby: Our house.

Andie: Hush, it's going to be alright. Everyone is doing what they can.

Ruby: Gilbert is in the window. He's my hero.

ANDIE speaks to herself.

Andie: He won't be much of a hero if he catches fire and dies. He'll be a martyr.

She turns back to RUBY.

Ruby. Your sisters need you, alright?

Ruby: Alright.

Andie: Alright.

She goes back to join the ANDREW girls. Then MARILLA, ANNE and DIANA join.

Poor things.

Jane: You can hear the firewagon.

Andie: I'd like it if Gilbert got down from that window.

They look at the burning building.

Anne with an E: Andie with an IEWhere stories live. Discover now