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November. ANDIE has become noticeably stronger and is in the barn, shifting hay. 

John: Can you believe you've been here three months already? And already, look how much stronger you are.

Andie: I'm doing my darndest to catch up with you, uncle John.

John: These here are seasoned bones, Andraya. 

There is a pleasant quiet while they work. 

Andie: It's my birthday soon.

JOHN stops and looks up.

John: Is it now?

Andie: 13th of November.

John: Well, I wished you'd said something sooner. We'll have to celebrate!

Andie: Oh, that's alright. Feels a little ridiculous to...to celebrate aging once you're grown, don't you think?

John: No, I don't think. I love my birthday and I suspect I always will.

Andie: That's because you're such an attention-seeker.

JOHN starts to laugh heartily.

John: Is that what you think of me niece?

Andie: I was joking. It was a jest, Uncle John. When is your birthday?

John: June 23rd.

ANDIE frowns. She hears sounds of a machine beeping, she feels someone squeezing her hand and she looks down but there is no one there. Leaning on the gardening tool she blinks it all away.

You haven't fainted in a long while.

Andie: Still haven't. I'm alright.


June 23rd?

John: Mm-hmm.

Andie: That...that was my father's birthday.

JOHN is shocked.

John: Really! Well how's that for a coincidence. Clearly it was the day all the very best people were born.

ANDIE smiles sort of sadly. The moment is interrupted by ELIJAH JOHNSTON. The sweet, handsome farm-hand whom she met at the GILLIS house, knocks on the side of the barn.

Elijah: Mr Blythe.

John: Oh, Elijah! What can we do you for?

ELIJAH consistently makes eyes at ANDIE as they are talking over farming things. When the conversation concludes.

Well, if Mr Macoy needs ever to borrow a mare he need only ask.

ELIJAH nods gratefully.

Elijah: Very good sir, thanks.

He looks carefully at ANDIE, JOHN follows his gaze.

Miss, it is nice to see you again.

Andie: And you.

John: I didn't realise you two had met?

Andie: At the Gillis', when their house was being re-built.

Elijah: I had a bowl of Miss Norman's stew and it was something spectacular, so it was.

Anne with an E: Andie with an IEWhere stories live. Discover now