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The men have been rallied to re-build the GILLIS house. GILBERT and JOHN are helping. Mr PHILLIPS is there but he's hardly helping.

Andie: Just between us, I don't think Mr Phillips is cut out for hard-labour.

Gilbert: Quieten down. You're here to help, not to...criticise.

ANDIE stuck her tongue out at GILBERT who chuckled.

Andie: I am helping! I made stew for everyone. I was going to see if I could warm it on the fire over there.

Gilbert: Aren't you thoughtful?

Andie: Shut up. Or you'll find your bowl only half as full as you'd like.

Gilbert: Are you threatening me, Andraya?

Priest: Put your backs into it, boys!

Gilbert: That's my cue.

Andie: I don't remember paying for a gun-show!

Gilbert: What?

Andie: I'll explain later.

Gilbert: There are no guns here –

ANDIE sighs with aggravation. 

Andie: No one understands me.

GILBERT climbs up onto the roof to work alongside BILLY ANDREWS. ANDIE is walking the pot over when ELIJAH JOHNSTON (17) stops to help her. ELIJAH is tall, strong and handsome. He is a little bit slow but in a very sweet, kind way. He is watching ANDIE with shy interest.

GILBERT watches the interaction from the roof, mildly jealous.

Elijah: May I help you, Miss? That pot looks very heavy on your small frame.

Andie: Oh, thank you but I'm quite alright.

ANDIE is happy that it is the truth. She is getting stronger. She puts the pot down and ELIJAH gestures to the lid.

Elijah: May I?

Andie: As long as you're not too harsh in your criticism.

ELIJAH removes the lid and sniffs.

Elijah: Mm, it smells delicious. We all appreciate you and girls like you, to be sure.

Andie: Girls like me, hey? I finally understand what Britney Spears was talking about, 'not a girl, not yet a woman'.

Elijah: Who, sorry?

Andie: Oh...just an author. 

ANDIE chastises herself for forgetting where she is.

Anyway, what makes you so sure you've met a girl like me before?

ANDIE meant it as a warning but ELIJAH merely smiles, offering his hand.

Elijah: My name is Elijah Johnston, Miss.

ANDIE considers his hand, raises her eyebrows and takes it to shake.

Andie: Andraya Norman.

Elijah: Miss Norman.

They hold on for a moment too long, before ANDIE lets go and turns to stoke the fire. ELIJAH hurries to get back in her eyeline.

I work as a farm-hand for Mr Macoy at present but I have every intention of having my own farm one day.

Andie: An admirable aspiration, I'm sure.

Elijah: Oh goodness, you use big words Miss Norman. I am impressive-ment.

ANDIE nods, trying not to laugh.

Anne with an E: Andie with an IEWhere stories live. Discover now