2. AUGUST 15th, 1897, AVONLEA

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*strong language throughout

Avonlea, Prince Edward's Island, Canada. 1897.

There are flashing images of lights blurred with voices of medical staff. ANDIE feels herself being rolled and struggles to open her eyes but can't. She hears the voice of her mother but it blends with the voices of medics and men. She blinks to the face of a masked-medic and then a bearded man back and forth. She is struggling physically. Black.

When ANDIE wakes up it is windy, cold and dark. She feels herself being lifted and carried by a pair of strong arms. She is put into a bed. Black.

When ANDIE wakes up again it is light outside, sunlight through the window. She feels a cool damp towel on her head, she opens her eyes.

Andie: Where – where –

John: Shush, shush now. It's alright. You're safe.

ANDIE blinks until she sees two men, one bearded and older and another roughly 14 years of age peering anxiously around the door.

You gave us quite a scare. You had a fever that wouldn't let up, not for the last eight hours. I had called for a doctor but we couldn't get a hold of anyone so I had my son running all over the house trying to keep the towels cold enough. Let's see now –

He reaches out to touch her forehead and she flinches backwards.

It's alright. I just want to...

He cautiously leans forward again and this time she lets him place the back of his hand on her forehead.

The fever seems to be breaking.

Andie: Where am I?

John: Blythe House, my name is John Blythe and this is my son, Gilbert.

Gilbert: How do you do?

Andie: Not great by the looks of things.

No one says anything, in the silence ANDIE hears traffic and a loud crash in her ears. She jumps.

John: Easy, easy now. You must have had quite the ordeal, little Miss. I must say, when Gilbert came running in to say he'd found a woman lying for dead in the field I was mighty surprised. Now then...what was the last thing you remember?

A light flashes before her eyes, she blinks shielding them.

Andie: A car. I was crossing the road...I got hit.

John: A...a cart? Those things don't half move fast. You must be from Charlottetown then, what's says you Gilbert?

Gilbert: It's the closest town, but how would she have got from there to here if she'd been hit.

John: Perhaps she boarded the train in a daze? Does that ring a bell, Young Miss?

Andie: Andraya, my name is Andraya. I don't remember a train.

John: Well, this is certainly an enigma Miss Andraya. A doctor is on his way now, did I say? Perhaps there is someone missing you in Charlottetown that can help fill the dark spots.

ANDIE is still confused, looking out the window at fields.

Gilbert, get together a plate of breakfast will you. Bread and cheese for the moment.

JOHN readdresses her.

We'll see how you fair with that before offering you anything else.

The men leave the room. ANDIE takes notice of the strange dressing gown she is wearing, it is heavy and itchy on her skin. She looks at the bed side table but it only has an oil lamp on it. She looks down the side of the bed, and under the covers looking for something but comes up empty handed. GILBERT comes back in with a plate. He puts it down on the bedside table.

Anne with an E: Andie with an IEWhere stories live. Discover now