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*strong language throughout

The Andrews House, 15th September

ANDIE stands outside the door, nervous. She is wearing a newly-made dress. It is simple but elegant, bottle green. She has more colour in her cheeks than before, but is still mostly pale. She is wearing gloves that she fidgets with.

Andie: Fucking gloves.

The door suddenly opens. It is MRS ANDREWS, the matriarch. ANDIE shifts into role.

Mrs Andrews: Good afternoon.

Andie: Good afternoon, Mrs Andrews.

Mrs Andrews: Yes, you must be Miss Norman. Please, come in. The girls have been waiting anxiously for your arrival.

Andie: Oh, I do hope I'm not late.

Mrs Andrews: Not at all.

When inside the house.

Jane? Prissy?

Jane: Miss Norman. A pleasure to see you again.

Andie: And you, Miss Andrews.

Jane: May I introduce my sister, Prissy.

Prissy: How do you do?

Andie: How do you do?

The girls look at her strangely

Oh, sorry, am I supposed to respond? That greeting always confused me. I do very well thank you, and you?

JANE and PRISSY start to giggle. MRS ANDREWS makes her excuses and leaves. They sit at a table. Tea is poured. The gloves are agitating ANDIE.

Prissy: How long have you been in Avonlea, Miss Andraya?

Andie: Oh, I believe it's been a month already. A whole month...

Prissy: And is Avonlea very different from where you are from?

Andie: Oh. Yes. Quite entirely different. 

Jane: How so?

Andie: Oh, I wouldn't want to frighten you. 

JANE and PRISSY look to one another, shocked but intrigued. ANDIE can't take it anymore.

May I remove my gloves, please? They are very itchy. 

Prissy: Go ahead. Might you have them on inside out?

Andie: Have I? That would explain it!

The girls laugh.

To say I despise them would be too strong, but to say strongly dislike...now that is probably accurate.

The girls giggle again. 

Jane: See, isn't Miss Andraya a delight? And very bright Prissy.

Andie: You're very generous, Jane.

ANDIE cautiously raises a teacup to her mouth.

Prissy: When will you be joining me at school? I believe we're the same age.

Andie: Oh, I actually think it's best to leave school behind me. I think my brain would explode if I had to sit and learn maths again.

Prissy: You don't intend to go to college?

ANDIE nearly chokes on her tea, spluttering.

Are you alright?

Andie: My apologies, I tried to breathe and drink at the same time. Will you be going to college?

Prissy: If I pass my entrance exams. 

Anne with an E: Andie with an IEWhere stories live. Discover now