Chapter..|| 14.) Crush On Mel

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I frown, "your crush, on Mel..? You told me you were in love with someone, you'd aid it was love at first sight so it was obviously Mel.." I said.

Milo stared at me for a couple seconds before laughing softly, shaking his head. "God you on so oblivious.." he sighed before staring into my eyes.

"I'm not in love with Mel, trust me. Mel isn't even close to my type, respectfully." He said. "Huh..? She's not..?" I asked. "Nope. Don't get me wrong, she is a great person-but she's definitely not someone I'd fall for. Especially not someone I'd find 'love at first sight' with." My heart picked up speed.

If it's not her, then who is it?

"Oh..." my eyes widened slightly, "is it Lexi?!" I gasped. His eyes widened, "what, no! Ew, god, no. I would never fall for my best friends girl." He quickly defended.

I groan, "then who the hell is it?" He sighed, rolling his eyes. "Luna, it's-" before he could speak any further, Mel's voice shouted; "hey! Come on you two! Luka and Lexi are here! Let's go!" She groaned.

I frown, "sorry, what were you saying?" I asked. He looked at me, smiling and shaking his head-"nothing, forget it. Let's go." He says, softly grabbing my hand.

I sigh, nodding as we started walking back to Mika and Mel. Our hands stayed tangled together the whole time we walked to them.

Mika's eyes met mine, he smiled but that smile soon deflated at bit as he seen Milo's hand tangled with mine.

I couldn't help but not care if this was hurting Mika or not. I just couldn't stop thinking about what milo was going to say.

"Luna, it's-"

It's what?!

What is it?!

"Luna!" Lexis voice snapped me out of my daze. I watched as my best friend ran over to me, placing both of her hands on my shoulders and shaking me.

That caused Milo to let my hand go, which caused my to frown slightly.

"Luka just confessed his feelings for me!" She whispered. My eyes widened, "holy shit. When?" She jumps up and down, "when we parked and got our things! It was so cute." She said.

"So, are you two dating now?" Milo spoke-"oh...well, he hasn't really asked me to be his girlfriend but I don't know." She shrugs, sighing and shaking her head.

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