Chapter..|| 27.) Friends?

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I look around, groaning softly when I couldn't find Lexi, Mel, Lenny or even Luka or Mika. "Where the fuck are they?" I mumbled, trying to find someone to help me get Milo in the car so I could take him back.

I left him in that room, hoping he'd sober up a bit and we could go back home.

As I walked downstairs, my body hit a brick wall-not literally. "Shut, sorry." I spoke, looking up at the person I bumped into.

It was a tall guy holding a cup with beer. He looked drunk off his ass. "No problem, babygirl." He winked. I cringed a bit, the nickname not fitting well.

I'm sure if Milo called me that, I wouldn't mind.

But he wasn't Milo.

"Ah.." I laugh awkwardly, "uhm, good day.." I mumbled, walking pass the boy before feeling his hand wrap around my wrist.

"Hang on, sweet cheeks." I gaged at the name. What? Is this guy the creepy uncle at the cookout or something?

I don't even look 'tasty' right now. There is no skin showing on my body. I'm literally dress as a women who worships god and this boy has the great idea to call me babygirl and..sweet cheeks?

"What's you name, baby?" I frown. Milos pet name doesn't sound good coming from him. "Come on, sweetheart-I can show you a good time." Sweetheart.

Damnit, I should've just stayed with Milo.

I tried taking my hand away from his grip but it wouldn't budge. His face darkened, "what? You bump into me and think you can just leave like that? You owe me, sweet thing."

"I don't owe you anything. I said sorry, now let go." I mumbled, trying to pull from his grasp.

Damn, for a drunk guy - he sure had a grip on him.

"Said sorry?" The man- no..the boy laughed. "Sorry is just a word, sweetheart. I need actions. How sorry are you?" He smirked, getting closer to me.

My face scrunched up in disgust as I tried pushing him off of me. "Let go!" I yelled.

He chuckled deeply, a smug look on his face. But that look was soon wiped off when a fist met with his jaw, causing him to fall on the ground, his cup spilling and dumping all over him.

My wrist fell free and I gasped quietly.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" I look over, Mika immediately cupped my cheeks, his eyes filled with worry.

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