01. why not just watch porn?

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"Harder, Caldwell!" Coach Rayburn's voice echoed through the gym as I sent the volleyball flying across the court. I took a deep breath, reaching up to brush away the sweaty strands of blonde hair that had slipped free from my ponytail.

Despite the urge to roll my eyes, I moved back to my position, waiting for the ball to be set again, this time slamming it down using all of my power. The ball bounced off the ground, its impact echoing through the gym. I quickly glanced at my coach, seeking approval, only to be met with a curt nod. Good enough.

I made my way back to the bench, dropping down beside my friend Bryn as I snatched my water bottle from her hands.

"That was good!" she said, elbowing me in the side before taking a swig out of her own bottle. "Coach might even make you captain this year."

I wiped the sweat from my forehead and rolled my eyes at her. "Yeah, like she'd ever stop to compliment my game."

Bryn laughed. "You know what I mean, Emily. You're really good this year." She wasn't wrong; I had dedicated two years to the team, and had been playing volleyball since I was ten. Despite being one of the most skilled players, Coach Rayburn consistently overlooked me when it came to recognition.

With a casual shrug, I gulped down half of my water bottle. "Whatever," I muttered quietly as I rose to my feet, stretching my arms and legs. Coach blew her whistle, signalling the end of practice, and Bryn and I headed toward the changeroom.

"So..." Bryn drawled, a wide smile creeping onto her face as she stripped out of her clothes. "Are you and Theo going out again sometime soon?"

I fought to suppress the smile forming on my lips, but it escaped anyway. "Yeah, we're going out when he comes back from Indiana," I replied, my words muffled by the sweater I pulled over my head.

    Theo and I had been seeing each other for a few weeks, it wasn't anything serious, but the more we hung out, the more I was drawn to him. He was perfect on paper; smart, athletic, kind, not to mention his chiselled features or muscled figure. We used to volunteer at the same animal shelter, and this summer he had decided to go on a mission trip to Indiana with the rest of the shelter.

In an instant, Bryn was next to me, clad in nothing but her underwear as she bounced excitedly. "This is the third date. You know what that means!" She sang.

I grabbed her shoulders, turning her bare chest away from me as I laughed. "I don't know, Bryn." I shoved my sweaty clothes in my bag, running a hand down my face. "I just feel like I'm not ready."

My friend let out a long sigh, throwing on her clothes and draping an arm over my shoulder as she led me out of the changeroom. "Come on, Em," she whined. "It's time for the 'little Virgin Mary' to shed that title."

"Yeah, but I want to be good... you know?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't think I want Theo to be my first."

Bryn gaped at me. "So, what? You want, like, a sex coach or something?"

I shrugged again. "I guess so."


The second Bryn and I entered our apartment, she was screaming for our roommate, Nyla, to come hear the news.

"Nyla, you'll never believe this," Bryn panted, her hands on her knees as she struggled to catch her breath. "Em wants a sex coach."

Nyla stood in front of us, her face contorted with confusion as her gaze flicked between the two of us. "A what?"

"I just want to... practice." I crossed my arms, furrowing my brow at the girls. "I don't want Theo to lose interest because I'm bad in bed."

Nyla let out an exaggerated sigh. She took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes before looking back at me. "That's very... sweet?"

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