19. i promise to behave

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Jen and I spent the entire afternoon talking as I helped her prepare dinner. I told her about Nyla and Bryn, about my love for volleyball and how much Beck had helped me with it, and about how my brother and I reconnected. We were still chatting when Beck walked into the kitchen, stopping to kiss his mom on the cheek.

"It smells great, mom," he said, sitting down at the island. "I see you've recruited a helper," he glanced at me before popping a tomato in his mouth.

I rolled my eyes at him as Jen patted his cheek.

"It's good to have you home," she said, kissing his cheek before turning back to the stove.

Beck's eyes met mine, and I couldn't help but grin. "It's good to be home," he replied.

The three of us stood in the kitchen, while Jen and I continued our work on dinner. The door to the kitchen swung open, and Griff and Morgan billowed into the room, wide grins on their faces.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Morgan squealed, wiggling out of Griff's hold and wrapping her arms around her mom's legs. "Griffy and me got ice cweam!"

Jen bent down, picking Morgan up. "Oh, sweetie, I missed you so much!" Morgan grinned, her grey eyes shining with happiness as her mother set her on the counter, placing her in front of the sink. She turned to Griff, narrowing her eyes before she whispered, "Ice cream at six o'clock? What were you thinking!"

Griff simply laughed, raising his hands in mock defence. "What? You've seen her beg, how was I supposed to say no?"

I bit back a laugh, watching the interaction. Griff's eyes landed on mine, his smile growing as he wrapped his arms tightly around me. "Hey, kid," he pressed a kiss to my temple. "Beck was a gentleman last night?" He questioned, raising a threatening eyebrow.

"I find it offensive you even have to ask," Beck chimed in from the island.

I rolled my eyes. "He was fine," I replied, glaring at the brown haired boy.

Griff released me, a smug grin on his face. "I'm glad to hear it." He glanced around the room, his eyes settling on Jen. "Where's Chris?" He questioned, taking the spoon from the sauce pan and slurping it.

Jen smacked his hand away. "Chris is in his office," she replied, nudging him with her hip. "You should go get him."

Griff nodded, making his way out of the kitchen.

"Chris?" I repeated, glancing up at Beck.

Jen shook her head, turning off the stove. "Chris is the love of my life," she replied, a dreamy look on her face. "Morgan's father," she explained.

"Mommy," Morgan whined. "Beck is eating my food!"

"What?" Beck exclaimed, dropping the carrot back on her plate. "You took mine, too!"

"Oh, hush," Jen said, pushing Beck aside as she took Morgan from the counter. "Chris will be out in a moment," she announced. "Beck, why don't you and Emily go set the table? Dinner will be ready shortly."


Jen was not kidding when she said Chris was the love of her life. And honestly, I didn't blame her. If the fact the man aged like fine wine wasn't enough to capture your heart, his charming personality would.

His entire face lit up when he saw Morgan and Jen, picking his daughter up and holding her tightly to his chest as he kissed her cheeks while his arm snaked around his wife's waist.

I could only dream to be looked at like that one day.

"How are my girls?" He asked, setting Morgan on her feet.

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