22. no sulking in your princess dress

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My heels clicked against the glossy floors as I mindlessly wandered the hall. Opening two large glass doors, I stepped onto the terrace, my hair blowing back as I was hit by a wave of cool air, a gentle breeze sending the sweet scent of the night sky to wash over me. I took a deep breath, the air calming me slightly.

I didn't know how long I stood there, simply admiring the view as my mind wandered. I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling I had inside of me. I had been having so many moments with Beck that I loved, but now I just felt... lonely. I felt like a fool.

I took another deep breath, turning my attention to the city, a gentle smile on my face as I took it all in. The city was alive. The lights of the buildings glimmered and shone, bringing life to the otherwise silent streets. The stars twinkled, seeming to flicker in and out of existence, and for a moment, I felt as though I could reach out and touch them. They seemed so close.

As I leaned against the balcony, the soft strains of music floated into the air, filling the silence with a calming melody. I closed my eyes, taking another deep breath.

"Rule number one of events like this:" A voice said from behind me. "No sulking in your princess dress."

I turned, letting out a small laugh as I took in the sight of Jared, a grin on his face.

"Are you going to tell me rule number two?" I teased.

He shook his head, taking a step toward me. "Rule number two:" he said, leaning against the railing beside me. "No letting snotty bitches steal your date," he gave me a long look. "Somehow, the night has barely begun and you've broken both rules."

I let out a small chuckle. "I'm not sulking," I defended, crossing my arms over my chest. "And, who am I to tell Beck who he can and cannot dance with?"

He shook his head. "I call bullshit," he said bluntly. "The whole time you were in that room, you looked miserable," he told me.

I sighed, looking away from him. "I was not," I lied.

He snorted. "You can lie to me, but don't lie to yourself," he said. "You're a smart girl. You've probably never been around someone as snotty as Vanessa before, but that doesn't give you the right to let her talk to you like you're lower than she is."

"I am lower than she is," I muttered, shooting him a sad smile. "I mean, she's beautiful and rich and..."

"Don't start that," he said sharply. "Do you really think that's what people like Beck care about? What the hell does money and privilege have to do with your worth?" He asked. "If someone thinks they are better than you because of that bullshit, then they aren't worth your time."

I shrugged. "It's not that simple."

He huffed, crossing his arms. "It is that simple," he shot me a playful smirk. "Beck thinks you're worth the stars. You're the one who needs to decide what that means," he paused, staring out at the city. "But I have a feeling you already know."

I felt my cheeks redden as I turned away from him, trying to avoid his gaze.

He let out a long breath, running his fingers along the concrete railing. "I like you, Emily," he admitted. "And I've heard you don't take Beck's shit, which I find delightful." He turned his head to meet my eyes. "So, I'll tell you what," he paused as he adjusted his suit. "Rule number three: When someone tells you their feelings for you, believe them."

Almost as if choreographed, the balcony doors swung open as Beck stepped out onto the terrace, concern evident in his expression. "Emily," he breathed, relief flooding his face when he spotted me. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

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