03. i lost my temper...again

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It was finally Friday, which meant that I just had to endure one more volleyball practice and one more training session with Beck before I got a break.

Beck and I met earlier that morning before the sun had risen to run laps around the field. We didn't speak much, and Beck was not a fan of my usual charming attitude, each snarky comment being returned with an order of ten pushups.

By the time we had finished training, I sat down to stretch, waiting for some sort of dirty comment to be thrown my way, but when I looked up from my spot, he was nowhere to be seen. I don't care to admit the disappointment I felt from not being verbally harassed.

A few hours later, I stood on the court, volleying back and forth with Bryn as we waited for practice to start.

Coach blew her whistle, signalling for everyone to gather around her. "As you all know, I'm getting married next month," the girls erupted in cheers, prompting a rare laugh from Coach Rayburn. "During this time, we'll have a student coach to ensure each one of you receives the attention you deserve. You can go to him with any general questions, scheduling issues, or for training."

The doors to the gym swung open. My eyes followed the figure as he turned the corner, his glistening blonde hair illuminated by the overhead lights. His blue eyes met mine.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," I muttered, crossing my arms as I glanced between the coach and the boy. "Coach, how is this fair?"

Coach Rayburn shot me a warning glare, her hand resting on the boy's shoulder. "Mr. Caldwell won't play favourites," she replied dismissively.

Beside me, I could feel Bryn's gaze fixated on the side of my head. "Caldwell... as in...?" she trailed off.

"My sister," he interjected with a smile plastered on his face. "I'm Griffin. Yes, I'm Emily's brother. But rest assured, I won't show any favouritism. You'll all have to earn your positions."

Murmurs erupted throughout the team, and I felt my stomach churn as the girls around me spoke- very honestly- about which positions they wouldn't mind getting in with him.

Turning on my heel, I stormed out of the gym, letting the doors slam behind me as I made my way to the parking lot. As I reached for the handle of my car, my brother's hand clamped onto my shoulder, forcing me to turn and face him.

"Not so happy to see me, I take it?" His taunting grin pushed me to the edge, and I had to restrain myself from smacking it off of his face right then and there.

"Why are you here?" I spat, wrenching my shoulder out of his grip.

"Why not?" he replied casually.

I gaped at him. "Um, because after you begged me to move here you said I'd never have to see you again?"

He shrugged. "Guess that was a lie."

"You're an asshole," I muttered under my breath as I opened the door. As soon as I got into the driver's seat, he climbed in beside me.

"You're being childish," he said, taking my keys from the ignition and holding them hostage.

"And you're seconds from not being able to have children," I fired back, reaching for my keys. He moved his hand out of reach. "Griff, it's not funny. Give me them."

"Where is that sisterly love I missed so dearly?" He grinned, cocking his head to the side. "Come on, you can't be that pissed to see me."

"Crazy, because I am."

"Em," he turned to face me, his eyes soft as he studied my expression. "If you really don't want me here, I'll go. But at least for a while, you were all I had."

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