07. lesson one

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That night, I had made my way to Beck's house, unannounced. I knocked on the door a few times before he swung it open. I offered him a friendly smile, before pushing past him and dropping on to his couch.

"Um, hello," he turned around, closing the door behind him as he followed me into the living room. "Are you okay?"

I nodded my head as I rested my feet on his coffee table. "I'm ready for our first lesson,"

His eyes widened a little bit as a smile stretched onto his face. "Are you?" He stood in front of me, his large arms crossed, I couldn't help but admire the way his muscles bulged during such a simple pose. "I wish you would have told me, I had a whole plan, it involved a white board and homework and-"

I cleared my throat, cutting him off. "What is lesson one?"

"Right," he rubbed his hands together. Was he nervous? I almost laughed at the sight. Beckett St. Claire. Nervous to kiss a girl. Priceless. "I guess lesson one is kissing,"

I furrowed my brows. "I know how to kiss," I argued.

"But not like I can teach you," he offered a smirk as he leaned down towards my neck. I closed my eyes as his lips brushed across my throat. I felt myself lean into him ever so slightly, a soft gasp escaping me when he dragged his tongue against my skin.

"Kissing isn't just about getting close enough to taste someone," he explained softly. I tilted my head back further as his fingers trailed along my jawline. "It's about making them want more," he whispered in my ear.

My breath hitched. Did I want more? When he pressed his lips against my neck, I could barely keep from moaning.

"It should be soft and gentle, slow and easy, until they beg for more," he murmured against my skin. I shivered as I felt his hand move to my hip. Slowly, his fingers traced the shape of my hip bone before slipping back up to my waist.

His touch sent chills down my spine, a stark contrast to how hot I felt inside.

"And then," his voice was low as he tilted my head up to meet his eyes. "When the time is right," he licked his lips. "You go in for the kill."

My heart sped up in my chest, my breathing becoming heavy, as he eased me back against the couch. His lips swept across mine, leaving a trail of fire in their wake.

I wanted him to kiss me so badly it hurt. My want for him in that moment was all consuming. As if he could hear my silent plea, he leaned in again, pressing his lips to mine. His teeth nipped at my bottom lip as he pulled it into his mouth, sucking on it gently as his other hand came up to hold the back of my head.

I groaned as his tongue slipped between my lips. I opened my mouth, inviting him inside as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He tasted sweet, almost like strawberries and cream. I moaned softly as his fingers tightened in my hair, pulling me closer.

I couldn't deny it. I was amazed by the way he kissed me, every single second of it. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced. Every part of my body felt electrified, like lightning was shooting through me.

He pulled away, leaving a soft kiss to my neck before he spoke. "The key to kissing," he continued as his hand slipped under my shirt and gripped my bare waist. I sucked in a sharp breath as he pulled me closer to him. His eyes were dark and intense as they stared into mine. "Is finding the perfect balance between being sweet and naughty," he breathed against my neck.

Then, without warning, his lips crushed down on mine. I gasped at the suddenness of his kiss, but quickly welcomed it. Even though his touch was light, I felt a firestorm ignite between my legs.

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