24. real

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It wasn't until the sun had set and there was no light shining from the windows that Beck and I arrived home. He held my hand tightly leading me into the dark, quiet house.

Neither of us bothered to turn on the lights as we slipped our shoes off, shivering as my bare feet made contact with the cool tiles. Beck's fingers left my hand as he led me into the kitchen, his hand finding its way around my waist. I could hear the soft sound of his lips parting as they pressed against the back of my neck, sending a wave of heat rushing over my body.

The kiss was tender, but brief, a whisper of a touch.

He disappeared into the darkness for a moment, his footsteps silent throughout the house. "Thank you for today," I spoke into the darkness, not sure where to direct my voice.

His response came in the form of a hug, his strong arms wrapping around my shoulders as he rested his chin on my head. His body was warm, his heart beating steadily in his chest. The sound of his breathing was soothing, the soft flutter of his breath against my scalp causing a strange sort of calm to settle in my mind.

Eventually, he pulled away, his touch not yet leaving my hand as he intertwined our fingers, leading me back towards the stairs. As I moved to climb the first step, the light in the living room turned on.

My stomach dropped as Griff sat on the couch, looking near murderous as he stared at Beck and I.

Beck seemed to realize at the same time I did, dropping my hand as we both froze on the steps.

My breath caught in my throat as I stared down into the dark room, my gaze meeting Griff's. Any explanation I had died on my tongue as I felt his stare burn through me, my fingers tangling together.

His stare stayed rooted on Griff, the darkness somehow growing in his eyes before he spoke, his voice a low, threatening growl. "How long?"

The air seemed to grow thick around me as the silence stretched on, my heart racing as I watched the two most important men in my life glare at one another.

When neither of us responded, Griff spoke again. "How long, Beck, have you been fucking my sister?"

I saw Beck stiffen out of the corner of my eye as he stared at Griff, clearing his throat before speaking, his voice a low rumble. "I'm not fucking her," he said, spitting the word out with such disdain it made my stomach hurt. "I'm not fucking her." He repeated, his voice was filled with so much anger it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. "I love her."

The words hung in the air, silence washing over us. The room was still, the only sound coming from the television down the hall, muted by the wall. Griff looked at Beck for a long moment, the anger in his eyes fading and turning to disbelief. He didn't say anything, the tension in the room growing until the silence became unbearable.

"Griff, I-" I started, cutting myself off when I saw him move towards me.

He stood, crossing the room in just a few long strides. I flinched back as he stopped in front of me. Beck was gently pushing me behind him in an instant, distancing me from my furious brother.

"Don't," he warned, his hand softly gripping my wrist to keep me behind him. I glanced around Beck, taking in my brother's form, his hands fisted at his sides, his shoulders tensed as he stared at us.

"You think I'd hurt her?" he spat, glaring at Beck.

Beck held his gaze for a long moment, his jaw set in a tight line. "I think you're angry," he said quietly. "And I understand, and I'm sorry you had to find out this way, but-" Beck was cut short, his head snapping to the side as Griff's fist collided with his face.

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