13. she's hot, i'll give her that

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That night, Nyla, Bryn, Abby, and I all made our way to the bar to meet up with the boys. Griff had insisted that we go to celebrate my big win, and being the proud big brother he is, wouldn't take no for an answer.

I sat at the bar, sipping on my water as I watched my friends drunkenly dance with each other. I had known they just wanted an excuse to go out, and I was the perfect one. A small smile graced my lips at the way Bryn held Abby, peppering kisses all over her face.

I tore my attention away from the two as someone came and sat beside me. I turned to look at the stranger, to find he was already looking at me.

"All by yourself here?" He asked, raising a curious brow. He was a relatively attractive guy, and given my current state of loneliness and despair, he'd do.

I offered him a smile as I took a sip of my water. "Not exactly," I jerked my head to the rowdy group of people taking up the dance floor. Beck had decided not to show up that night, maybe too busy consoling Madison, I didn't care.

Except I did.

The boy nodded in understanding before turning his attention back on me. "So, if all your friends are out there, why are you over here?"

I shrugged. There was no reason for me to tell him the truth. He clearly wasn't interested in the real reasons I was sitting alone. Besides, I needed to distract myself from my own thoughts. "So pretty boys can come keep me company," I teased, tilting my head flirtatiously.

He laughed. His eyes crinkled at the corners as he looked me over. "Hopefully I'm pretty enough," he responded.

I rolled my eyes playfully as I shook my head. He was definitely cute enough. For some reason, though, I couldn't stop thinking about Beck. Even talking to this pretty stranger, who was giving me the attention I needed, I thought about him, wondering what he was doing.

Was he even going to make it here tonight?

I took another sip of my water before turning back to the boy, only to find he was gone, replaced by Beck.

My heart leapt into my throat as I stared up at him, feeling the blood rush through my veins. The corner of his lip curled up in a slight smirk as he took the seat next to me.

"I never got to congratulate you," he said, resting his elbows on the bar. "You're quite good at volleyball, who's your teacher?" He teased, taking my water and sipping it.

He was right, he never did get to congratulate me. After I won the match against Madison, I had hastily exited the gym, not particularly interested in seeing anyone. I hated the fact that I let Beck get to me the way I had, how seeing him with Madison made my stomach turn, almost ruined my focus.

Beck looked at me quizzically as I pressed my lips together tightly.

I ignored his compliment. "I'm sure Madison loved having you there to watch her," I replied sarcastically.

His eyebrows shot up in surprise, but then his expression softened. "I didn't go for Madison-"

I cut him off, shaking my head. "Such a good friend, Beck, truly."

I watched as his features twisted in confusion. My words seemed to have struck a nerve, and at that point, I didn't care.

"I didn't go for Madison," he repeated. "I went because you were there,"

I let out a dry laugh. "Oh, thank you so much, Beck, you were so supportive when you were practically fucking her in the stands." The sarcasm was dripping off my words. I stood from the bar, grabbing my bag. "Thank you, for your congratulations." I spat.

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