09. a pretty good teacher

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I spent the rest of the day playing hooky with my friends. We sat shoulder to shoulder squished on the couch watching movie after movie until the sun was setting.

Eventually, we had decided to go to the frat party Madison had told me about. A party on a Monday night was a concept I wasn't entirely sure of, but after some pestering from Nyla and Bryn, I reluctantly agreed. I wasn't entirely excited to see Theo and his fling together, but at least I'd have all my friends with me. After my breakdown earlier that day, even Jace agreed to tag along.

I went up to my room, throwing on a Hawaiian shirt and jean shorts before making my way back down to the living room. As soon as I entered the room, I could taste the ridicule I was about to receive.

Nyla and Bryn were dressed in bikini tops and short, hula skirts. Shit. As expected, the room erupted into howling laughter.

"Emily, you look like a dad on vacation," Jace quipped, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

I rolled my eyes. "Coming from the 'Twilight' extra, I'll take looking like a dad on vacation over a vampire any day."

The boys broke out into laughter again before I stomped my foot, whining like a child. "Guys, stop laughing!" I couldn't keep the small smile off my lips as I complained. "I don't know how to look sexy!" I groaned.

Bryn shook her head as she laughed, draping her arm over my shoulders and leading me back upstairs to help me change.

A few minutes later, I stood in her room in a blue bikini top, spandex shorts, and a grass skirt. I stared at myself in the mirror, cringing at the scars across my stomach.

"No," I said quietly, shaking my head. "I can't."

Bryn took a tentative step towards me. "You look beautiful, Em."

I sent her an apologetic look. "Do you have anything else?" My voice was barely above a whisper.

Bryn didn't respond, squeezing my shoulder before rifling through her closet. We were quiet for a few minutes before she offered me a floral sundress. I slipped it on, playing with the halter neck as I studied myself in the mirror.

Covering my scars with the soft fabric had me feeling instantly better, so much so that a small smile twisted onto my lips at my reflection. The dress hugged my small curves effortlessly, the little cut out on the chest offering a glimpse of cleavage- it was perfect.

"Thank you," I said, turning to Bryn. "You're my best friend." I wrapped my arms tightly around her- something I had never done before. She grew tense before relaxing into the hug, wrapping her own arms around me.

We re-emerged from her room and made our way into the living room. I stopped in front of my friends, offering a playful spin as I let them take in my outfit.

"Better?" I asked, a wide grin on my face as my eyes landed on Beck. His eyes, however, were not on my face, instead roaming my body, his tongue darting out to wet his lips.

He opened his mouth to speak, but David beat him to it.

"In the most respectful way... ever," he nervously glanced at Griff before continuing. "That dress makes your ass look insane."

Griff grumbled something incoherent, but didn't make a move to threaten David, instead settling into the couch next to Nyla, his arm draped along the edge of the couch behind her head.

The corner of Beck's mouth tilted up, his eyes meeting mine at last. He gave a small nod of approval before standing from his spot. "Let's go," he offered.

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