25. drinking with a side of golf

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Our meeting went on for another hour, as Beck and Griff talked out their differences, until Jen eventually made them hug it out before allowing us to leave the table.

Beck and Griff took a much needed 'boys trip' to the golf course, or as they called it, 'drinking with a side of golf'.

I couldn't help but smile, watching the two of them leave as I leaned against the doorway, Beck giving me a lazy smile as he pressed a kiss to my forehead before heading out.

I was grateful that Beck and Griff seemed to be able to work through what I had caused. I knew Beck was just as important to Griff as he was to me.

Jen walked toward me, pulling me into a tight hug and pressing a kiss to the top of my head. "How is my pretty girl doing?" She asked, a motherly smile playing on her lips.

I grinned, hugging her tightly. "I'm doing good." I replied. "I'm so sorry for bringing this drama into your house," I sighed, dragging a hand down my face. "I am so grateful for your hospitality and-"

"It's okay," she said softly, rubbing my back. "Hey, I was thinking, why don't we have a shopping day?" She suggested, giving me a soft smile.

I felt a grin spread across my face, nodding excitedly. "Really?" I asked, stepping away from her and clasping my hands together.

"Really." She laughed, leaning down and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "I thought it would be fun to have a girls day,"

My heart leapt at her words, and I felt my smile widen as she stepped toward the door, holding it open for me.

"Let's go shopping!"


Jen and I spent all day at the mall. By the time we were leaving, I had bags lining my forearms.

It was nearing ten when we finally got home, and by then, my feet were aching. I flopped down onto the couch with a sigh, smiling as Jen brought me a hot tea. I sipped at it as I flipped through the TV channels, settling into the couch as I watched reruns of old shows.

I stayed rooted in my position for a few hours, until my eyes were dry and sore and my tea had gone cold.

It was late, almost midnight. I glanced up at the clock as I placed the empty mug on the table. I sighed as I looked around the room, listening to the faint sounds of laughter that echoed through the streets. I froze in my spot. I knew that laughter.

The next thing I knew, Beck and Griff were stumbling through the front door, holding each other tightly as they swayed back and forth.

Beck threw his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into him as he leaned down and kissed me. "I have the best girlfriend," he murmured against my lips. I giggled, wrapping my arm around him to keep him steady.

"You're drunk," I laughed, turning my attention to Griff. "Are you drunk too?"

He shook his head, leaning against the wall for support as he swayed. "No," he replied solemnly. "Not drunk," he added, his words slurred together. "Also," he held a finger up. "I am not drunk,"

"Uh-huh," I laughed, tilting my head to look over at Beck, who was playing with my hair.

"You need to sleep,"

"So do you," he replied, tugging on my hair lightly.

I laughed, turning around and slipping his jacket off. "Let's get you two to bed," I said, looking over at Griff.

"Don't wanna go to bed," Griff whined, pouting.

I rolled my eyes, taking Beck by the hand. "Let's go," I insisted.

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