12. dumb, naive, virgin

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We didn't even fully make it into the house before his lips were on mine, his hands cupping my cheeks as he scooped me up and carried me to his room, placing me on his lap as he sat down on his bed.

He pressed kisses along my neck, my giggles echoing through the dark, empty house before he captured my lips with his once more. His kiss was soft, but dominant, his tongue sweeping through my mouth while his hands gently rocked my hips back and forth.

He trailed his tongue along my collarbone, biting down lightly, and then sucking my skin into his mouth, soothing it with his tongue.

I gasped as he bit down harder, my thighs clenching tightly together.

"I want to taste you," he groaned against my neck as he continued sucking and nipping at the skin. His hand toyed with the hem of my top, but stopped himself, his eyes meeting mine. He placed a kiss on my covered stomach, before helping me wiggle out of my pants.

He tossed them to the floor, before slipping his hand between my legs, teasing me through my already soaked underwear. I arched my back, my body begging for more friction.

"Beck..." I moaned, my hands curling into fists.

He smiled at me, his eyes dancing with mischief. "I love when you beg, Em."

I squirmed beneath him, needing to feel more of his touch. He slid two fingers inside me, gripping my waist while he moved them in and out, sending a wave of pleasure coursing through my lower half.

My breathing was heavy, my entire body quivering as he worked his magic on me. I felt my stomach tightening as he continued to move his fingers, placing soft kisses along my inner thighs as he worked my orgasm from me, his fingers never slowing their pace as I came down.

I cried out, my head thrashing from side to side as another orgasm overtook me. When I came undone, I cried out his name, my body shuddering as my muscles contracted around his fingers.

He pulled away, my breathing still erratic, my eyes closing. I opened them again when I felt his hands return, holding my thighs apart as he ran a finger teasingly over my swollen bud.

"You're so wet, baby," he whispered huskily as he circled the tip of his finger against my clit.

I sucked in a sharp breath, arching my back.

"Mmm, I love how responsive you are," he chuckled, his voice deep and husky. "Here it comes,"

I cried out as I came for him again, my core clenching around his finger. The room was silent, the only noise being my sharp breaths as I tried to regain my composure.

Beck placed another kiss to my thigh before he spoke, his breath tickling the sensitive skin. "Remember how I told you I was going to do things to you that will make you feel like you'll lose control?" I couldn't find my voice, my three orgasms taking control of my mind. "This is one of those times," he placed another kiss on my thigh. "Safeword?"

"Lemondrop," I panted, my hands still in fists in the sheets.

"Good girl," he murmured, pulling me to the edge of the bed and draping my legs over his shoulders. Before I could respond, his tongue made contact with my clit.

I cried out, the sensation too much for my overwhelmed body. I writhed against his mouth, my breath coming in short pants as he gripped my hips, holding me down while he continued to lick my throbbing bud with his talented tongue, swirling it around as he suckled my clit.

I felt myself getting close yet again, my body tensing as he moved up to my entrance.

"Please...I can't take any more," I whimpered, grasping onto his head for dear life.

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