08. big strong beckett st claire

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Bryn and I laid in my bed talking until the sun shone through the curtains and the birds began to sing. It wasn't long after that when Nyla barged into my room to 'wake' me for our first track meet.

Nyla froze momentarily, her gaze fixated on Bryn and me, cuddled together on the bed. Her eyebrow arched inquisitively as she spoke. "You know, I don't think a girl sex coach is going to help much with Theo." After a brief pause, she let out a huff, followed by a pout, and added, "And why didn't you ask me?"

I laughed as I climbed out of my bed, giving Nyla a peck on the cheek before slipping into my track clothes.

I joined my friends in the kitchen grabbing an apple and shoving it into my mouth. Nyla groaned from her spot at the table, allowing her head to fall onto the wooden surface with a soft thud.

"How do you manage to look good in everything?" she grumbled, her gaze fixated on my snug shorts and school jersey. "It's like five in the morning; it should be illegal to look this good at this hour."

I chuckled, settling into the seat across from her. "And yet, here you are, looking absolutely stunning," I remarked, eliciting a smile from her.

I couldn't comprehend why Nyla had the insecurities she did. She was undeniably drop-dead gorgeous, to the point where I sometimes found myself envious of her. She was one of those rare girls who effortlessly radiated beauty without even trying; it was simply a part of who she was.

The curves that hugged her body were more than enough to draw anyone's attention, Yet, it wasn't just her stunning body that caught attention; it was the radiant hazel hue of her eyes and the striking prominence of her high cheekbones that truly made her stand out. Her dark hair always seemed to be perfectly kept in place, while her tanned complexion was always glowing. Bryn had described her as a girl she didn't know if she wanted to be or be with.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of Nyla clapping her hands loudly, making me jump in my seat. "Ready?"

I grimaced, replying quickly. "Yeah."

I felt Nyla's eyes linger on my face for a moment. "You're going to do great today," she said softly, resting a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Seriously, coach wouldn't have you starting if you weren't one of the best."

I smiled at her kind words, nodding once, though her reassurance did little to calm the butterflies attempting to claw their way out of my stomach.

The drive to school was quick and painless, and as we walked towards the field, I searched for any sign of Beck. I felt a little silly, but felt like even one minute with him could calm my restless nerves. My gaze swept the field left and right looking for his stupid, cocky smile. As my efforts proved useless, panic began to set in.

My voice trembling with anxiety, I turned to Nyla. "I don't think I can handle this," I whispered, my breath coming in short, rapid bursts. "I'm freaking out, man."

Nyla's calm smile slowly faded, replaced by a genuine concern as she peered down at me. Her eyes reflected her empathy as she softly spoke, leading me towards the stands and encouraging me to take a seat. As she handed me a bottle of water, she offered a playful smile. "You'll do amazing, Em," she reassured me, her words carrying a gentle warmth. "You're like the third best on the team, right after Beck and me, of course."

I mustered a half-hearted laugh, my focus fixed on the track ahead as I desperately willed my heart to beat at a steady pace. Suddenly, Beck's deep voice broke through my racing thoughts, instantly bringing a sense of comfort and relaxation.

"Hey, Nyla," he smiled down at us, and a wave of relief washed over me. "Mind if I have a word with our little worry wart?"

Nyla offered Beck a thankful smile. "Go ahead," she replied, giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze before making her way to the track.

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