10. couldn't be that hard, right?

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The following week, Beck and I laid on the gym floor, both of us panting as we came down from our training session.

"I think we need ground rules," I said through heavy breaths. It had been a week since our bathroom 'lesson', and I had been thinking a lot.

Beck turned his head towards me, his cheeks flushed and glistening with sweat. "Ground rules? For what?"

"For our lessons." I replied, keeping my gaze fixed on the ceiling. "I think as things get more... intense, we need to have some rules."

He let out a laugh, but didn't reject the idea. "Okay, shoot."

I rolled onto my stomach, resting my head on my hands as I looked at him. "Number one, we only have sex three times maximum, after that we stop for good." I waited for an objection but none came, so I continued. "Number two, we can't tell anyone." He opened his mouth to respond but I beat him to it. "No. You know our friends, my brother, if we tell people what we are doing you know it'll change the dynamic." He gave me a nod, urging me to continue. "Number three, no feelings. We do this, it is purely physical. No sneaky shit."

Beck sat up on his elbows, his eyebrows raised. "So, what happens when this is done? Will we go back to being strangers?" Something almost resembling fear flashed in his eyes before he averted his gaze, fixing it on the ceiling.

"Friends?" I offered, my stare set on the side of his face.

Beck visibly relaxed as he exhaled. "Okay," he nodded, his voice calm. "You've got yourself a deal, Caldwell." He extended his hand towards me.

I shook it. And that was that. Sex three times. No telling. No feelings.

It couldn't be that hard, right?"


Griff and I sat on my living room couch, sipping beers as the sun began to set. The TV played softly in the background, but Griff's gaze remained fixed on me.

"So," he started, placing his beer on the coffee table. Oh boy. "I've noticed you and Beck are getting pretty close," he said, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow suggestively. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

I felt my stomach churn. I never had been a good liar. But I had to be. "Nope, just friends." I responded, keeping my tone cool as I sipped my beer. "You met Theo, I'm seeing him."

He studied my expression, and I fought the urge to bite my lip, my usual tell when I lied. "Sure, but Beck seemed really pissed that day at the field," he added.

"Beck doesn't like Theo," I explained. "They've never gotten along." I mirrored his expression, crossing my arms and tilting my head. "Why do you even care?" I asked.

Griff chuckled softly at my imitation. "He's my friend, Em. I don't want my friend messing around with my sister," he said, his face growing serious as he looked at me.

"I know, Griff." I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees. "Trust me, nothing will ever happen between us."

He clenched his jaw, staring deep into my eyes. "Are you sure?"

I rolled my eyes, leaning back against the couch. "Yes, I am. I promise."


After a few more beers and a couple of movies, Griff said his goodbyes and headed out to join his friends at a bar for the night.

Once he left, I quickly hopped into the shower, preparing myself for the upcoming session with Beck. This was more than just kissing now; I had to be ready for anything.

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