11. a very bad influence

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The next few days were uneventful, mainly consisting of training or studying with Beck. We had our first calculus test, which I helped Beck study relentlessly for, and as I waited outside our classroom for him to finish, I couldn't help but replay our last conversation.

"Nice to know we're such great friends," he remarked, his voice cool and distant, making me flinch.

I nodded my head, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "Yeah." I lied.

Since then, neither of us brought it up. We avoided talking about the discomfort in his eyes when he referred to us as "friends," or how he had practically kicked me out using the 'tiredness' excuse, or even the fact that he had given me my first real orgasm.

It seemed that our friendship would be built on avoiding any uncomfortable topics. What a wonderful way to build a strong connection.

I snapped back to reality when the classroom door swung open, and Beck emerged, releasing a heavy exhale as he slid down the wall.

"So..." I cautiously approached him, offering a nervous smile. "How did it go?"

He glanced up at me, his eyes narrowed. "Does this look like a celebration to you?" His tone held a coolness, but a playful glimmer remained in his eyes.

I shrugged. "People celebrate differently," I extended a hand to him. "Though, this does look more like a Jace-style celebration." I teased.

He chuckled softly, his eyes regaining their usual warmth as he took my hand, allowing me to help him up from the floor. "You have a point there," he admitted.

I followed behind him, staring at his retreating figure as we made our way to the gym for training. It seemed that we were going to keep our distance for the rest of the day.


Beck and I sat side by side on the couch in my living room, doing calculus homework while simultaneously attempting to ignore one another.

I was trying my best to concentrate on the book in front of me, but couldn't help but listen to the soft sounds of Beck working on his math assignment. When he heard me shift beside him, his eyes turned towards me.

"Need any help?" I offered, tearing my eyes away from the magnetic pull of his lips and refocusing on the pages before me.

He let out a sigh and shook his head. "No, thanks," he muttered.

"Alright," I responded, a hint of disappointment lingering in my voice as I frowned at his lack of enthusiasm. Realizing that he wouldn't say anything further, I redirected my focus back to my book

After a minute of silence, I stole a glance at Beck, feeling a tinge of awkwardness after being so intimately close for the past couple of weeks. "Are you finished?" I asked, trying to break the silence.

He shook his head, opening a fresh worksheet in front of him. "Not yet," he grunted.

I had to admit, I was impressed by his ability to focus. With my luck, if I focused on something this hard, I'd probably blow a vein in my brain.

I simply nodded in response, unsure of how else to answer him.

Beck's eyes briefly lifted, meeting mine. "We need to talk," he stated.

My heart skipped a beat. Was he about to tell me he wanted to back out of our agreement? The thought sent a pang through my chest.

"Yes, we do," I replied softly, steeling myself to meet his gaze.

He nodded, his attention drifting back to the paper in front of him. "Good."

A knot formed in the pit of my stomach as I watched him scribble down a formula. This was it, the moment I had been dreading. Our friendship was about to end. I felt a sense of loss, knowing I might never see him again.

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