27. annoying and a little perverted

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It was nearly one am when we arrived back at Beck's house. His hand stayed glued to my lower back as he guided me through the dark house, my head buzzing from the alcohol.

The moment we made it to his bedroom, he pushed me against the door, his lips immediately moving against mine. His hands slid around my waist, tugging my dress up.

I smiled against his mouth, our kiss insistent and desperate while his tongue pushed its way past my lips.

He tugged my dress over my head, breaking the kiss to remove it. I did the same, pulling his shirt over his head before moving my mouth to his neck.

"I need you," he muttered, bringing his lips to mine as he made quick work of removing my underwear.

He walked me backwards towards the bed, pressing me down against the cool sheets. He stood over me, his dark eyes running up my body as he licked his lips.

"You're so fucking beautiful," he whispered, kneeling down between my legs. "I don't deserve you," he added, nipping at the inside of my thigh.

I moaned, parting my legs. He ran his hand along the inside of my thigh, biting down on the soft skin. I let out a low moan, tilting my head back.

He brought his fingers to my centre, running them up and down the wetness there. "Beck," I breathed. "I can't wait."

He grinned, moving between my legs and spreading them further. "You will," he said, dipping his head and licking a stripe up my center.

I let out a loud gasp, gripping the sheets tightly. "Fuck,"

Beck continued to lick my clit, working me over with his tongue until I was begging him to fuck me. He moved up my body, pressing kisses along the way. I watched him, my hands gripping his hair as his mouth moved over mine.

"I want to watch you come for me," he groaned, sliding two fingers inside me.

"Beck," I whimpered, tilting my head back. "Fuck, that feels so good," I whimpered as his fingers curled inside of me.

"You're so wet," he rasped, his dark eyes dancing with lust. "You're so beautiful when you come," he murmured, bringing his thumb to my clit.

My breath caught in my throat, and my hands tightened around his hair. My legs trembled as his thumb pressed against my clit, my toes curling against the sheets.

"So close," I whimpered, my eyes falling shut.

His fingers moved faster, deeper, his thumb brushing against my clit. "I want to watch you come apart," his movements never wavered. "Come for me, Emily,"

I felt my core tighten, my thighs beginning to tremble as my orgasm rushed through me.

He groaned, his fingers never stopping as the waves of my orgasm crashed over me again and again. He looked up at me, his dark eyes meeting mine. "Can you handle another one for me, baby?" he asked.

I nodded, taking a deep breath as he moved over me, settling between my legs and slowly pushing inside of me.

I gasped, gripping the sheets once more as I stared up at him. He slowly slid out of me before pushing back in again.

My legs wrapped around his waist, urging him to move. His eyes fell shut, his head tilting back as he continued to push himself deeper inside of me.

"Emily," he groaned, his thrusts becoming harder and deeper.

He took my hand in his, threading his fingers through mine. He pressed his lips to my palm before pinning it above my head, using his other hand to grab onto my hip, holding me down as he pounded into me.

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