14. a very dangerous game

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After Beck made me come three times, I agreed to train with him. We made our way to the gym, my legs still shaking as I stretched on the floor of the court.

My head snapped up and David and Griff walked into the gym, offering me friendly smiles. I smiled back before returning to my stretches.

God. My legs were killing me. They really don't tell you just how sore you would be after sex for the first time. I grimaced as I leaned forward, biting back a wince as David placed his hands on my back to help me deepen the stretch.

Beck noticed from across the gym, his smile wide as he raised a curious brow at me. "Why so sore, Em?" He teased.

I rolled my eyes as I stood, shaking my legs out to loosen the stiffness. I turned to face Beck, his grin widening as he watched my movements.

"Training can be rough sometimes." I replied, trying not to smile as I met his eyes. "But it's worth it."

His eyes darkened for a moment before he broke eye contact, looking away.

"We should start," he said suddenly, his eyes landing on the other boys.

Beck found any excuse to touch me during practice, his hands running over my body as he helped me stretch or worked with me on defence. Every time I looked at him, his eyes were on mine, his expression filled with heat.

"Getting a little close there, no?" Griff warned as Beck used his hands to position my body.

I laughed breathlessly. "He's just helping me. Lay off," I chuckled as Beck ran his hand along the small of my back when Griff looked away.

Griff scoffed. "Yeah, I'm sure."

I could hear David laughing behind us as he threw a ball at Griff's head.

As if sensing the tension in the room, Beck pulled his hands from me and shot Griff a grin. "Don't worry about it, Griff. I won't mess with her, you know that."

Griff huffed and shook his head, turning to throw the ball back at David. I smirked as Beck winked at me before walking away, shooting me another smile.


"So, Griff's really protective of you, eh?" Beck said through a mouthful of food. "Like, really protective."

I shrugged, leaning back in my seat. "I think he means well," I stole a chicken nugget from Beck's plate and popped it in my mouth. "He just doesn't know when to stop." I continued, chewing the chicken nugget.

Beck raised an eyebrow. "Has he always been like that?" He swatted my hand away as I reached for another nugget, narrowing his eyes at me. "You know, I asked you if you wanted some lunch and you said no."

I laughed, pulling my hand away and rubbing the spot he smacked. "I wasn't hungry then," I argued. "And, yeah, more or less."

"You said you had strict parents," he spoke of my past so casually, so blissfully unaware of the terrors it held. "Was your dad really protective growing up?" He took a few nuggets from his plate and placed them in front of me.

A small smile graced my lips at the small gesture. I toyed with the food in front of me as I spoke. "Something like that," I paused, my eyes meeting his, taking note of the curiosity held in his eyes. "He was more strict when it came to boys,"

He tilted his head. "Really?"

I nodded slowly. "They didn't want me hanging out with boys, or anyone, really. They told me not to date until I was older."

Beck's brow furrowed. "So you've never had a boyfriend?"

I shrugged. "I 'dated' a few people in highschool, but nothing really lasted." There was a long beat of silence between us before I spoke again. "Were your parents strict?"

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