Lukes' Pov.
I spent the rest of the day staring endlessly at my wall with my phone in my hand, waiting for a call. It didn't matter how long I had to sit here and wait, I wont sleep until I know. My mom had called me down stairs a few times but I didn't bother to come down. I was afraid I would miss a call if I did. The light green color that was draped over my walls made me feel sick. I bent over and vomited over my floor. As I did, tears filled my eyes again and I suddenly came to realization of what was going on.
"Luke?" I heard my mom say softly as she entered the door.
When she saw me lying on the floor with my knees up to my face and vomit beside me, she fell down on her knees to help me up. She didn't say anything though, except asking once how I was feeling. I didn't answer of course, that was a stupid question.
"I have to see her." I pleaded as my mom walked me to my bed. Without answering me she walked out of the room and returned a minute later with paper-towels and a mop. She handed me one to dry my mouth and then bent down to clean up the mess on the floor.
"Mom." I said sharply, but when I saw her glance I softened my voice, "Mom, please. I need to see her."
"Who is she?" She said without taking to consideration of my beg.
Of course my mom was angry with me for lying to her about Hope for about 3 years, it came as a shock when she found me crying on her floor.
"My girlfriend." I said quietly.
Looking down at my hands I could see how my mom rose from where she sat and stood in front of me. First I thought she was going to be mad at me and lecture me, but instead she wrapped her arms around me. I cried out on her shoulder.
"Why didn't you tell me anything?" she asked, her voice vibrating in my ear.
"Because I was scared."
"Of what?" she pulled away to look me in the eyes.
I hesitated before answering, I wasn't quite sure how to explain why I didn't tell her, so I said the only thing that scared me the most. "Of losing her."
Before my mom could hug me again her phone ran and she pulled it out of her pocket.
"Yes, mhm... Okay but isn't there any guardian with her?" she spoke to the person on the other line and looked at me questioning. I just shrugged. "Is- is her mother working?"
No, mom. I thought. Hope's mom wasn't working, God, she wasn't even at the hospital when her daughter was unconscious.
"Yes, Yes. Yes we can. Alright, thank you." she said before she hung up.
"Mom, what is it?" I asked concerned.
She looked at me before standing up, "Get in the car."
We were at the hospital fifteen minutes after we left our house. But we had spending about two hours here. The smell of sickness had filled my nostrils as fast as i had walked in but now I was used to the smell. Maybe because I felt so sick myself. The reason to why we had to wait for so long was because Hope was right now going through a surgery. Doctors came and went all the time insuring us on how it was going, they often said that they didn't get any response from her.
It has been about thirty minutes since the last doctor came and talked to us, I was worried she wasn't going to make it. But I had hope, God that's all I did, I prayed for her to be alright. I sat quietly without speaking and praying to God in my head that she would be alright.

don't leave (l.h)
Fanfiction"They are two parts of the same thing." he said, "Like us." I rolled my eyes to how cheesy he sounded and I knew it wasn't only because of the amount of alcohol that was traveling with his blood through the body.