Chapter 18: Zack

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(Tuesday morning, 6:30AM, Sheffield)

I sit at the dining table, rubbing my eyes. I hate this.

Everyday I have to get up at 7:00AM and get dressed into my fancy arse school uniform and walk around school like I'm not a famous person. Maybe the fame is getting to my head, but still. It's not fair anymore. I hear a pebble at the back door, and I grin. I go and open the back door quietly, letting the blue-haired girl walk in. I head to the kitchen, sticking the kettle on.

Halsey walks up to me, wrapping her arms around me. "Hey." She says. I grin, turning around and kissing her gently. She kisses me back, smiling. "What's up? You're sad." She says. I smile. How does this human know me better than I know myself? "I just wish we weren't in school at all. Our parents don't work like normal people." I say. Halsey smiles. "Zack. That's not how things work, babe." She says, running a hand through my blonde/brown hair. I smile. I make us both a cup of coffee, handing Halsey her cup. She grins. We sit at the table, smiling at each other. "You know that Joey is having a social media party at his house." Halsey says. I groan, head butting the table. "Isn't he having a birthday party for Maxine the 14th of May? And then another one on the 16th for him?" I ask Halsey. She nods. "When is all their birthdays, anyways?" I say. "Ivene's is in June, Joe's is in July, Cameron's is in August and Max and Ashlee's are in May." Halsey says. I stare at her in shock. She shrugs. I look over at the clock. It says 7:45AM. "Shit we're very late!" I say. Halsey's eyes widen. I grab my uniform, stripping and sliding into in.

I straighten out my tie, looking into the mirror by the front door

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I straighten out my tie, looking into the mirror by the front door. Halsey comes over, her school uniform crisp and hair into a plait over her shoulder.

 Halsey comes over, her school uniform crisp and hair into a plait over her shoulder

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(Imagine the hair is blue)

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(Imagine the hair is blue)

I smile at her. I wait for her to slip on her school heels.

 I wait for her to slip on her school heels

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"Right, let's go." I say. I see the car pull up and I grin, grabbing Halsey's and dragging them to the car. I get into the car, Halsey behind me. "Hey, Stella. The short cut, please." I say. Stella smiles, rolling her eyes. "Typical Zack. I'm not here tomorrow, so please wake up on time." She says. I nod, flashing a grin at Halsey, making her giggle so she has to cover her mouth. We take a left and drive down the motorway, taking a short cut and getting to school in and 1 hour.

We both get out of the car, saying goodbye to Stella. We walk into the school. "Isn't it great that Joe doesn't go here anymore?" Halsey says. I nod. We walk around the school, smiling at all the teachers. "Today is podcast upload day. And we need to film one tomorrow for Thursday." She says. I smile. "Are you sure your mum doesn't mind editing them?" I say. Halsey nods. "Yeah, she doesn't mind! She says it keeps her busy as she only uploads once every week now." Halsey explains as we walk to Science. "Oh okay, then. I guess it's not so bad then." We both stop outside of the Y9.2 Science class. "I still can't believe that we're in the 2nd highest set for Science and Maths and then highest set for English, Religious Studies, Physical Education and Social Studies. And then obviously I study Music, Graphic Design and Photography." Halsey says. "I know. It's wild. And obviously I study Business, Gaming and Editing, and Photography." I say. Halsey laughs, sneaking a kiss on my lips. I blush, making her laugh harder. "Stop laughing at me." I say. Halsey apologises, still giggling a tiny bit. The bell rings and we both cover our ears.

The bell is the most annoying thing about this really boring school. It rings twice at the start and end of every single lesson and break. I think the music class of a couple years back made it, thinking it sounded amazing. Wrong. It sounds awful.

The door swings open and our teacher Miss Mabel greets us as we walk in. We head to our seats at the front, taking out our textbooks. A pen flies through the air and hits Halsey in the back of her head. "Ouch!" She says. We both turn round, looking towards the back. Lucas and his group giggle, smirking at us. "What the fuck, Lucas?" I growl. "Language, Major." Miss Mabel says. I roll my eyes, kissing Halsey on the cheek when no one is looking. Halsey blushes. "Ignore them, Hallie." I say. Halsey nods. We both look at the board, holding hands under the table.

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