Chapter 71: Maxine

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(Saturday, 5:45PM, LA)

I walk into the dining room, sighing slightly. Papa looks up at me, smiling. Nonna looks unimpressed. "Maxine. Ai intarziat." Papa says. I sit down away from both of them. "Scuze, tată. Am fost cu prietena mea." I tell him. Nonna scoffs, looking at Papa. "Cu siguranță te-am învățat să fii la timp la întâlnirile de familie, Daniel." She says to him. Papa flinches. "Ei bine, Maxine nu este o adolescentă obișnuită, mamă." He says. I laugh. "Oh, chiar aşa? De ce nu? Pentru că fumez, stau până târziu și refuz să te ascult pe tine și pe tata?" I say. Nonna looks at me. "Pierde atitudinea naibii, copile." She says to me. "Pierde peruca dracului, baldie." I retaliate. Papa slams his hand down on the table. "SUFICIENT!" He yells. I glare at Nonna, and she glares back. "Maxine. M-am săturat de atitudinea ta și nici acești prieteni ai tăi nu sunt buni." Papa says to me. "La naiba. Sper că te îneci cu o bucată de beton. Toată familia asta e plină de rahat." I growl. I stand up and walk out. I grab my pack of cigarettes and my phone and head out, taking Ashlee that I'm coming over.


Ashlee looks at me, sighing slightly. "OCKO!" She shouts. David walks into the lounge. "Prečo kurva kričíš, Ashlee Kopf-Dobrik?" He asks her. "Nedôležité. Dostaňte sem Josha, prosím. A žiadne natáčanie Maxa. Choďte von, ak to chcete urobiť." She says to him. David nods, leaving the lounge. Ashlee turns her attention back to me. I hold my arms out and she climbs onto my lap, laying her head against my chest. "I love you, Maxine. And that's never going to change ever." Ashlee tells me. I look at her. "I know that, Ash. I'm just tired of my parents." I tell her. Josh walks into the lounge, smiling at us. "Hey, Max!" He says. Ashlee gets off my lap and I stand up, hugging Josh tightly. "Has today been shit, then?" He asks me. I smile slightly at that. "Yep." I say.

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