Chapter 86: Leo

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(Wednesday, 6:00PM, LA)

I sprint to Riley's house, running up the driveway. I see a car, watching as the engine turns on. I run into the house, heading into the lounge. Joey is lying on the couch, Riley is crying and Xornoth looks mad. "What happened?" I exclaim. Riley looks at me. "Oh Leo. Debbie came to the house!" She cries. "Joder." I mumble. I head over to Joey. He's gripping his nose, hysterical. "My nose! She elbowed me in my nose!" He says. Xornoth holds Joey's hand, rubbing it gently. "It's okay, baby. I'm so sorry she did this to you." He says. He kisses Joey gently. Daniel walks in, staring at everyone. He sighs. "What the fuck did she do now?" He asks. Xornoth stands up. "Your fucking psychopath child elbowed my husband in the face!" He shouts at Daniel. "Copilul ăla dracului..." Daniel groans, grabbing his phone and calling Maxine. The phone connects, Maxine's voice coming through. "La naiba, tată." Maxine says. Daniel slams his hand down on the table. "Acum ascultă-mă, fetiță. O să te întorci și să-ți aduci fundul înapoi aici, altfel îți voi arde toate ținutele pe care le ai în camera ta. Înțelegi, Maxine?" He shouts. Maxine sighs. "Amenda. Voi fi acolo în 20 de minute." She says, hanging up. Daniel puts his phone down, running a hand through his hair. "I think I should take Maxine. You guys obviously aren't good parents." He says. Joey sobs. "We are, Daniel! Look at Riley!" He says, pointing to me. Daniel slams hand down again, making all of us jump. "Riley is a spoilt brat, Joey! She gets everything she wants while you neglect Maxine! You also have Xornoth mistreat her because you're so in love and you don't care about anyone else but yourself!" Daniel screams at him. Joey sobs. "That's not true, Danny!" He says. Daniel scoffs. "Don't 'Danny' me! Don't pretend that you're innocent all the time. You're an awful parent to her, Joey. That ends today." He says. I look at Riley, seeing her differently now. Riley notices that I'm looking at her and her eyes widen. "What? Why are you looking at me like that, Leo?" She says. I sigh. "I'm sorry you were born into this, Riley." I say. I leave the house, Riley calling after me.

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