Chapter 40: Halsey

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(Saturday, 7:00AM, Sheffield)


I groan, sitting up. I swing my legs out of bed and get up, smoothing down my hair. I open my door and walk out, knocking on my mum and dad's bedroom door. "Come in!"

Mum is sitting up, computer on her lap. "Morning, baby." She says. I climb into her bed, snuggling into her side. "What's up, Mum?" I ask. Mum sighs. "So you know your dad is in Ireland for a bit." She says. I nod. "Yeah, he's gone to visit some of his relatives." I say. Mum nods. I sit up and look at her. "Aw, Mum. I know you miss him." I say, hugging her tightly. She smiles. "Yeah, I do." She says. I look at her. "Why don't we go visit Oli today?" I suggest. Mum grins. "That's a great idea, Hallie!" Mum picks me up, twirling me around. I giggle. She finally puts me down. "Go and get dressed, sweetheart. We have a bit of a journey ahead of us." She says. I nod. I run into my room, looking through my drawers for the perfect outfit.

(Everything but the skateboard!)

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(Everything but the skateboard!)

I get dressed quickly, running downstairs and into the kitchen. Mum is sat there waiting for me. "You look very nice, sweetie. Do you have everything?" She asks me. I nod. "Phone, Charger, Apple Watch, change of shirt in case I get hot, snacks and Oli's present." Mum smiles at me. "Okay sweetie. Let's go." Mum says. I run out to the car, waiting for Mum to unlock the doors. Mum comes outside, shutting the front door and locking it behind her. She unlocks the car and I climb into the back, buckling my seatbelt. Mum gets in as well, buckling her seatbelt too. We head off, driving towards the motorway.


Mum parks outside of Oli's house, switching off the engine. I get out of the car, grabbing my bag and shutting the door. Mum hands me Oli's present. I walk around the back and head in though the open side door. I walk in and kick off my shoes, racing to the stairs. I head up the stairs and knock on Oli's office door. "Oh there's a guest in my house!" I hear him say. "Come in!" He says. I open the door. "Hi Oli!" I say. Oli grins, picking me up and kissing my forehead. "Hello Mini Me." He says. Mum comes in, grinning at me. "You act like you never see him, Hallie." She says. I grin, poking my tongue out at her. Oli laughs. "You look very nice today, Minnie." He says. I giggle. I look at his computer. "Hi Chat!" I say, waving. Everyone says hi back, some of them asking what time my podcast is coming out. "3:30pm BST! So that's around 7:30 PST and 10:30 EST!" I say. Everyone thanks me. "Okay I'm gonna end the stream here guys! I'll stream later today around 9PM. Bye!" Oli ends the stream, carrying me on his back. "Let's go and play video games." He says, smiling.

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