Chapter 53: Ashlee

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(Monday, 10:00AM, LA)

My phone rings, making me jump. I pick it up, looking at the screen and feeling a grin spread across my face. I answer the call and put it on speaker, continuing to sort out my clothes and shoes.

"Hey, Princess." Max says, making me blush. "Hey, baby. Are you okay?" I ask her. "Yeah, I'm fine. Got back from London yesterday." She says. I nod, even though she can't see me. "What you doing today?" I ask her, picking up a glass of water. Max sighs. "Papa is coming to pick me up and take me to Montana." I drop my glass, causing it to shatter onto the floor.

"You're going WHERE?" I say, my voice raising an octave. Max sighs again. "I'm sorry, Ashlee. I tried to fight him but it didn't work. I've called Gramma, as well. She's furious with Dad..." She trails off. I wipe some rogue mascara off my face, raking a hand through my hair. "Ok. Let's think positive. At least you'll see Storm and Lark. You love dogs." I say to her. "Yeah, but I don't want to go there. It's the holidays!" Max cries. I sigh. "It's okay, baby. We'll be fine. I know I'll see you again soon." I reassure her. Max sniffs. "Okay. I love you." She says.

"And I love you."

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