Chapter 83: Ashlee

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(Wenesday, 1:30PM, LA)

The car arrives at the police station, parking. I look out the window and see Max being pulled out of the car. "You guys are so fucking dead when my dad gets here." I cackle, making Officer Lewis stare at me. He comes and pulls me out of the car by my hair, making me scream out. Max looks over at me, running over and grabbing me. She picks through the lock with a pin, freeing me. We stand together, her arm round my waist. "My little brawler!" She exclaims, picking me up and kissing me gently. I laugh, resting my forehead on hers. Dad's car pulls into the police parking lot. Max sighs, kissing me again. Dad gets out of the first car, walking towards me.

"Ashlee! Čo sa stalo?!" Dad says. Max puts me down, snaking an arm around my waist. "Mr Whitehall touched her and shouted at her. Ain't no fucking wait I'm letting an old man harass my girlfriend." Max says. David grins at her. "Well I see no problem, Officer." Dad says. Officer Lewis sighs. "No with your daughter, Mr Dobrik. But with Miss Graceffa, 100%." He says to Dad. Dad sighs. All of a sudden, Joey and Gabbie's car come pulling into the lot, stopping. Joey and Daniel get out of his car, and Gabbie gets out of hers. "Ivene Gabriel Hanna! Get your ass out here now!" She shouts. Ivy walks towards her. Gabbie turns her around, picking the handcuffs lock. "Ma'am, you can't do that!" Officer Carlton exclaims. Gabbie pauses her lock picking to look up at him. "Fuck you." She says, continuing to pick the lock. She finally does it, grabbing the handcuffs and chucking them at Officer Lewis. "Ivene, get in the car." Gabbie says to her. Ivy walks to the car, getting in and shutting the door. Gabbie gets in as well, doing a u-turn and speeding off. Max cackles, running a hand through her hair. Joey looks at her.

"What the fuck did you do, Maxine?!" He shouts. Max laughs. "I punched the old man in the face because he touched my girl. Sue me." She yells. Daniel walks towards her. I step in front of her. Dad just stares, watching the scene unfold. "Move out of the way, Ashlee." Daniel says. "Why? So you can beat shit out of her just like Joey did?" I challenge. Daniel looks to Joey, confused. "You hit Maxine?" He says. Joey looks at the floor. "After all time of you talking about being a better parent you hit my child?!" He shouts. "Daniel, it was a mistake. I would do anything in the world if it meant I could take it back." Joey says. Another car pulls up, Shane and Ryland getting out. Joey glares at him. Max runs to Ryland, hiding behind him. "Get in the car, Max." Ryland says to her. Max blows a kiss in my direction. I blow one back. "Ashlee, je čas, aby sme išli domov. Nemajú žiadny dôkaz, že ste vy alebo niekto iný urobili niečo zlé." Dad says to me. I look over at him. "Cammy!" Ryland says. Cameron runs up to them. Shane kisses the top of his head. "Get into the car, Cam." Ryland says. "But, Mani-" Ryland glares at Cameron, making him sigh and get into the car. Shane and Ryland's gaze turns to Joey and Daniel. I run over to Dad's Tesla, climbing into the back. Dad gets in as well, speeding off and heading towards our house.

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