Chapter 37: Cameron

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(Saturday, 5:00PM, LA)

Max pushes her food away, sighing. "I'm not really hungry." She says, shaking her head. I smile at her. Ashlee kisses her cheek, grabbing the plate of food. "C'mon, Max. Just a few little spoonfuls." She says. Max nods, letting Ashlee feed her. Ivy smiles. My phone rings, and I answer it.

"Hello?" I say. "Cami, are you okay?" Mani asks. I smile. "Yes, Ma. I'm just at Joey Graceffa's birthday party." I say. Mani sighs. "I'm glad you're supporting Max, sweetheart. Joey had no right to do that to her." He says. I nod, even though he can't see me. I put the phone on speaker, chucking it onto the grass. "Is Dad there?" I ask. Mani laughs. "Shane has gone to pick Morgan for the podcast, baby." He says to me. I grin. "Can me and my friends make a guest appearance on the podcast?" I ask. Mani laughs again. "I don't see why not, Cami." He says. I laugh. I say goodbye and hang up. Everyone looks at me. "Let's go." I say. Max nods, grinning. We all stand up, brushing the grass off of our clothes. We all walk towards the house, smiling at each other. Joey spots us and frowns, walking up to us. We walk past him into the kitchen, grabbing a drink. Joey walks into the kitchen.

"Where are you kids going?" He says. Max growls quietly. "We are heading to Shane's house. Not that it has anything to do with you." Ivy says, tapping away at her phone. Joe chuckles. Max frowns. "What is that on your finger." She says. "Maxine..." He trails off. Max grabs his finger, looking at the ring. "You're marrying the fucker?" She hisses. Xornoth comes into the kitchen, looking at us. Max looks at him. "Fuck you." Max spits at him. I try to cover my giggle. "Maxine!" Joey cries. Max looks at him. "Please! Stop!" He says. "No, I won't stop! You've ruined everything, Dad! This is why no one likes you anymore!" Max cries, tears streaming down her face. Daniel runs in, looking at Max. "Maxine, ce e în neregulă?" He says. Max turns around, her eyeliner smeared on her face. "De ce a trebuit să vă am ca părinți?! Ce dracu am făcut?!" She screams. Max grabs Ashlee's hand. Ashlee stops her, and looks at Daniel in the eye. "Nu știu de ce l-ai părăsit pe Max și, sincer, nu-mi pasă. Vreau să o privești în ochi. Asta ii faci cu propriul tau copil?! Părinții mei sunt exact ca tine. Tu și Joey îmi faci rău la stomac." She says. Ivy's eyes widen. We all walk out, letting the front door slam shut behind us.

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