Chapter 114: Caleb

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(Friday, 8:30PM, Shoreditch)

Mom looks at me, raising an eyebrow. "Russian." She says. We're sitting at the table, her quizzing me on my languages. "Привет.  Меня зовут Калеб Гаунтлетт.  Как ваши дела, мисс?" I say. Mom smiles. "よくやった、ケイレブ。 ただし、ドイツ語の勉強はまだ必要です。 次のテストに向けて、さらに一生懸命勉強するようにしてください." She says to me. I nod my head. "When are we heading to France? I mean, I know Dad's not coming. He's to wrapped up in Halsey." I say. Mom sighs, kissing my cheek. "Ne parle pas si fort.  Nous n'allons pas en France.  Nous allons plutôt en Allemagne.  Votre professeur m'a donné la permission." Mom says. "Mom, stop switching languages. It's confusing me." I tell her. She nods. "So we're leaving tomorrow, then?" I ask. Mom nods, kissing my cheek. I head upstairs, packing my bags.

After that, I head downstairs and see Dad walking through the front door. He looks at me, smiling. "Hi, Cal. You okay?" He asks me. I nod, heading into the kitchen. I grab my phone off the table, look at my messages. Melody has sent me pictures of Dexter. I smile, sending her a paragraph on why I love her. She's really my hero. Mom walks into the kitchen, smiling at me. "Hai fatto le valigie, Caleb?  Ricorda che il nostro aereo parte alle 10:30.  Non voglio che tu ci faccia fare tardi." She says. I smile. "Ho fatto le valigie, mamma.  Non farò tardi, non preoccuparti.  Adesso vado a letto.  Buona notte." I tell her. She hugs and kisses my forehead. I head upstairs and into my room, smiling and shaking my head.

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